Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Tale of Two Swims

Cap'n and me swam last night, and again this morning.  The two swims couldn't have been any different.

Last night there were still big waves, not as big as the morning, but a much stronger current. So strong that heading south felt like swimming in an endless pool. It took us what seemed like forever to cover the short distance from the north end of Klode beach to the south end.  Then we just floated and drifted for a while, enjoying the view, letting the current take us back.

We probably should be more frightened out there, awesome chaos all around, being rocked, rolled, shaken, and stirred.  Instead, it's exhilarating, and we somehow manage to stay clam, relaxed, and focused on the task at hand.

This morning was the complete opposite, calm and quiet.  Matthew and John joined us as we headed north from Klode, no particular plan in mind, just "swim for a while and see how we feel".  We felt great, and the water was very warm so we just kept going and going, past big landslide, past rockpile, past three piers, past little landslide, finally turning around at second rockpile, more than a mile from where we started.  Another record for non-wetsuit swims for Cap'n and me!  I wish we could convince people to join us in swimming wetsuitless, especially with the water as warm as it is, it's so much more fun that way. 

Tomorrow (Sunday) 10:00 AM at Klode
Conditions permitting, I'd like to swim do a one way swim to Big Bay (a little over a mile)

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