Thursday, August 28, 2008

Delightful Swimming Conditions

The lake conditions this morning were starkly different from the past few mornings....and very similar to what we experienced with last night's Klode north beach to sewer pipe and back swim.
Gone were the Big waves, strong currents and accumulated gunk along the shore. Instead we experienced clear and very warm water temps with water visibility ranging from 3-6ft. The water surface was slightly rippled with sporadic 1ft waves moving up from the south from a barely noticeable light breeze.

The Klode beach this morning was a popular place. As the Patriarch, Robin and I arrived on the scene at 6:30am several swimmers had already taken the plunge into the lake. Soon after starting we encountered Lindsay and David. After completing a very swift swim to the 'rockpile' and back we also greeted Erin, Mathew and Greg before continuing our delightful swim around the Klode beach bay until conceding to the fact that we had day jobs that needed to be tend to.

....not too despair though....The Patriarch and I plan to continue our adventures again at 4:30pm at Klode (weather permitting.)

Upcoming Swim plans:
Thursday: 4:30pm Klode
Friday: 6:30am Klode....although we are flexible...if anyone is interested in going earlier just let us know.

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