Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gentle Giants

It's been a tale of two swims this week...morning swims have had big waves rolling onto shore and challenging swim conditions....evening swims have had smaller / gentler waves rolling onto shore and easier swim conditions. The morning water temps have also been just a tad bit cooler (perhaps the result of the cooler overnight temps?) whereas the afternoon water temp has been very, very comfortable....although both certainly manageable without a wetsuit.

This morning appeared to be once again similar to the last 2 with enormous waves crashing onto shore....I know I've said this before, but these waves really were the biggest and best waves for body surfing.

We would soon discover great news....all the seaweed and gunk that was lining the shore the past two mornings was completely gone. The waves have certainly stirred up the water but no where to be found this morning were the rocks, seaweed and other miscellaneous crap that tested your determination to get out for a swim.

Just beyond the second sand bar from the Klode beach the conditions were considerably different than the previous two mornings. Instead of sporadic white capped sea serpents and rougher waves this morning Eric, Linda, John, The Patriarch and I found larger waves gently rolling toward shore. Oh what FUN the conditions turned out to be...seriously, a very pleasant surprise!

Swimming out beyond the sand bars we were able to swim up, over and then back down the waves....or for a change of pace you could occasionally slice right through the larger waves. Admittedly the adventure this morning wasn't pure pleasure...with the waves and current pushing from the south the return trip to Klode required a bit of effort. In the end though, the constantly changing sea scape provided an exhilarating change of pace from our past swims across the calm lake surface. So much so, that upon reaching the Klode north beach the Patriarch and I decided to do it we embarked on a second garage loop before calling it swim for the morning and body surfing back to shore.

Upcoming plans:
Wednesday: 4:30pm Klode
Thursday: 6:30am Klode

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