Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Yogis on the bluff; bliss in the water

Next swims: Wednesday 6pm, Thurs - Fri 6am and 6pm

Last swim: Wednesday 6am
Water temp: 64, 65, but there was talk of 69. Maybe the top six inches of water were 69.
Waves: very gentle, small rollers
Clarity: 4 on a scale of 1-10
Kru: Snap, Julie, Josh, Brian, Christina, Magic Mike. Shore support from Mr. Bubble.

Heading down the path a few minutes late (gotta fix my errant alarm system), I passed under the circle of yogis in sun salutation on the bluff, and looked to the beach. There I saw the long limbed profiles of several triathletes mixed with some more familiar faces. The morning sun cast its charms over us as we approached the water. Mr Bubble, doubtless affected by those charms, thought he might go for an underwear swim. Spare goggles were proffered, the Lady beckoned. Like Oddysseus, the man resisted that siren call.

The rest of us pushed off. Josh got a little more acquainted with the Lady of the Lake; it was his second Lake Michigan swim. Snap swam with him. Julie, Christina and I ventured out to the mudslide. Brian swam another quater mile or so. We all enjoyed the rise and fall of the water, the warmth of the sun, and a morning dose of endorphins. Bliss.

After the swim, Mr Bubble had returned to his Ithaca, the yogis had disbanded, and the sun continued with its charms.

Happy Wednesday, Kru.

1 comment:

Mr. Bubble said...

I went in to work (in Sussex, not Ithaca) and sought out my friend, MaryAnn from Effingham, (she's swum with us a couple of times) to ask if she would join us tonight - she couldn't. So, I told her I came super close to doing an underwear swim this morning. MaryAnn is sitting next to Emily, a visiting vendor rep. Emily seemed pretty focused on her laptop, until she hears me enthusiastically talking about doing an underwear swim. She stayed focused on her laptop and didn't make eye contact, but the look her face made me laugh out loud. It looked like she thought I was some kind of pervert. I quickly reassured her that I was just thinking about it, I didn't do it. Then I explained - "I'm addicted to swimming in Lake Michigan". That seemed to impress her. After that, I think she thought I was a deviant, but not necessarily a perverted one.