Monday, August 12, 2019

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Last Swim:  8/12 @ 6 pm
Water Temp:  69
Clarity:  very clear.  Quagga and Zebra mussels  are on the clock
Waves:  Flat at first, picked up a tiny bit of chop as it got later
Kru:  Patriarch, Sir James, Itch, Mr. Bubble, Super Hera
Next Swims:  Tuesday @ 6 am and 6 pm

The same feelings were expressed by all five swimmers when they came out of the water - "That was really nice!".  It was.  The only thing lacking was some sunshine.  Few raindrops before we went down the hill and a few when we came back up.  Tiny bit foggy at first but it cleared.  It was so calm, it was almost like an early morning swim. 

I'm still in possession of the neoprene shorts that were left at the beach on Sunday and which allegedly belong to Reid.  Reid - if you read this, please leave a comment to let me know if they are yours and when you might be coming to swim again.  


Moondaug said...

Did you mean Heaven, or Hell?

Mr. Bubble said...

That's actually a book title.

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

So you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell?