Monday, August 19, 2019

Best Treats of the Season!

Next swims: Tuesday, 8/20 @ 0600 and 1800
Last swim: Monday, 8/19 @ 1800
Water temp: 70 per itch-o-meter
Waves: very gentle swells, maybe 3-4 inches
Water quality: mixed - maybe 4/5 out of 10.  Could see bottom sometimes
Kru: Patriarch, Itch, Stickler, Kahuna, Wet Taco, Mr. Bubble
Early Shift Kayak Support:  Sir James

Will wonders never cease?  All these warmer water temperatures, day after day, and relatively calm, too.

Liz and those carmel treats though!  Mucho gusto - and with a shot of Killepitsch to wash them down.  

My first time swimming with Ala - she does the breast stroke, too!  She mixes it up with some free style, which I'm trying to do now.  

Days are getting shorter - have to go further out to swim in the sun in the evening.  

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