Friday, July 6, 2018


Next Swims:
 Friday July 6th at 6pm
 Sat & Sun at noon (?)  

Last Swim:
 Friday, July 6th at 6 am
 Water Temp: Mostly Roastin' (guessing 65 - 67, cooler by the rocks) 
 Water Clarity: A bit stirred up
 Waves: Big!  Not the biggest I've seen, but still very good sized
 Crew: Whitney, Debby, Julie, Mr. A and Kahuna; Diablo early?  

What a difference a day can make. From clear, flat water, to powerful crashing waves; who did what to piss off the Lady of the Lake?  Upon arrival at Klode this morning one could see the flag flapping stiffly, pointing in a Westerly direction, and hear the surf crashing on the shore.  The early crew (I just now found out someone else announced this morning's swim was going to happen at 8 am), was treated to clear skies, and pleasant temperatures.  Definitely a day for surfers.  Mr. A and I worked our way North towards downspout, and I think I got there in just under 9 minutes.  I swam on a little further, but it was something akin to working out in an endless pool.  Only more fun, of course.

The return trip (with a course plotted to stay well away from the rocks) was rather much swifter.  Whitney, Debby and Julie (pictured below) let discretion be the better part of valor, and swam and played around within the rocks.

Should be a good weekend for swimming. 


Dragonfly Riffraff said...

An 8 a.m. contingent also happened. Showgirl, Talor, We'Taco and Dragonfly frolicked in the breakers. A couple of us made it a bit past birches, but we did start from the forbidden North Beach. 13 minutes out and only 7 minutes back!

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Taylor! (Taylor Swift?)

Stickler said...

I'll be there at noon today, Sat.

James Biles said...

Swam skin Friday at 4:30-5:00 at Big Bay before heading to Devil’s Lake for Big Swell. What fun!!!!