Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Beach Magic (spoiler alert: warm water is back)

Next Swims:  Monday-Friday 6am and 6pm

Last Swim: Wednesday 07/18 6am
Water: 63+
Waves: biggish swells
Clarity: cloudy
Crew: Showgirl, Barbie, Flipper Guy

I heard the waves hitting the beach from the parking lot, so I was feeling a bit pessimistic about the swim. The complete absence of other swimmers did not help the situation.

Then I put my feet in the fantastically warm water. Then Flipper Guy arrived.

I put on my cap, goggles, and barbie, and swam. It was so great. The blue sky peeked around small fluffy clouds. The sun shone. The slow-moving waves slanted towards shore giving the feeling that you were on the high ground above the shore.

When I got back to the beach I noticed a weird beach-magic kind of thing:  in the center of the beach was a 10 foot swath of rocks pushed to shore by the waves, bordered on both sides by smooth sand.

Proving once again that it's always worth getting up for the swim.


jamie said...

Wed night, 68° Kinda murky, annoying 1ft chop out of the south. Lots-O-debris from leaves to branches to tiny rice sized general filth near shore, much cleaner 20ft out. Skeleton kru, Sir james, Synchro(supplier of pitsch),HH, NSN, and Stickler(who would like to swim at 5 tomorrow to avoid the 55% chance of storms)((I think you can guess who Stickler is!?!)) leave a comment if you would like to swim earlier. Best swim of the season!

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

How about 5:30?