Sunday, June 9, 2019

WTF, Sewer Pipe??

Next Swim:  Not sure!
Last Swim:  Sunday June 9th
   Water Temp:  57.7
   Waves:  chop out of the north
   Clarity: crystal clear
   Crew:  Itch, Diablo, Nanook, Linda the Lamprey, Magic Mike, Mr. Anonymous, Drangonfly, Showgirl
Shore support from Squeeze o'Showgirl, with a late arrival by Stephanie and her adorable son Leon

When we convened in the parking lot it was overcast and not super-inviting, but also not raining. The group admitted a bit of reluctance about the swim on the walk down the ramp.  A tiny bit of me had been hoping for a rain-out.  We could hear the waves on the way down, but when we arrived, we saw it was just light chop.

Itch took the temp and rounded it up to 58.

In an impressive display of toughness, five swam skin, three were suit. The lake rewarded us with amazing clarity all the way to the bottom. Everyone made it to the birches, and other hardy souls went on to mudslide. There was also a rare sighting of the garage, which these days only reveals itself early or very late in the season..

As we returned to the shore, the sun peeked out and rewarded us with some warmth. Then Itch rewarded us with some liquid warmth.  It was an awesome swim.

There was a teeny-tiny bit of grumbling regarding a certain crew member who lures us in with these two words: "sewer pipe."  Sewer pipe, we say to our selves.  We can do that.  And then.... no one stops at the sewer pipe!  Those who overcame their ambivalence after hearing those two little words find themselves muttering a small WTF! and continuing on with their swim.

Post to the blog if you're going to do a morning or evening swim.  As of today, the weather this week isn't super-promising, not that that has stopped us in the past.

Also, a big shout-out to Kahuna and the Shorewood Men's Club for yesterday's annual BBQ.  It was awesome as usual.


jamie said...

swimming at 6 this fine evening if anybody is interested in a dip.

jamie said...

Monday night @ 6pm......

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Anybody interested in tonight, Tuesday?

Bikes matter said...

I'm going to test the waters at 5.