Monday, September 29, 2008

The Magic Number is Two

A cool and dreary morning was brightened by a stunning crimson sunrise over the lake. It only lasted a few minutes before the sun hid behind the low cloud deck, but it inspired us to do a much longer swim than we've done in some time.

The water temp is in the low 60's, meaning the choice was a shorter swim without wetsuits or a longer one with wetsuits. We chose the later. We made it to "three piers" and back, about 1.75 miles. We moved at a good clip in the one foot rollers, and both of us were plenty tired and hungry by the time we finished. It's going to be a problem staying awake at work today.

Our plan was to attempt a shorter non-wetsuit swim after work, but I forgot I have a retirement party to attend, so I can't go. But the Cap'n is still game, so if you're interested in a swim tonight, give him a call, or shoot him an email, or post a comment on this blog.

Our magic number is now 2. If we can swim two more days, we've swum continously in five months (June-Oct).

Next swim possibly tonight (contact the Cap'n)
Definitely tommorrow (Tuesday) morning 6:30AM at Klode

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