Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Swimming to the Moon and Beyond, Part II - Point to La Pointe

Epic Swim:  Point to La Pointe
Location:  Bayfield, WI to Madeline Island
Distance: 2.1 miles
Water temp: low 70s
Conditions:  Pretty flat.  They said there was current but I didn't feel much
Time & Date:  7 a.m. Saturday, August 5
Sweatshirt color:  Bright Red with blue printing
Klode Kru: Hurricane Swimdy, Lt MJ, We'taco, Peaches, Stephanie, Showgirl, Mermaid Princess, Fyn-Fin, Hollywood, Other Julie, Brick, Dragonfly
Shore support:  Many spouses and partners, Kahuna & family
Additional swimmers:  About 575 people, including Kahuna's son-in-law

SO PROUD of everyone's great swims - and celebrating Brick, Fyn-Fin and Hurricane Swimdy who placed 1st, 2nd & 3rd in their respective age groups!

Everyone agreed it was a faster course this year, and it helped to be swimming down a pretty tight lane with kayakers and a few SUPers to the left and buoys to the right. There simply wasn't a lot of room to go off-course, as so many of us did last year, adding between 400 to 1,000 yards to our already challenging swims.  Last year was a lot choppier.  Also, it rained.  This year was calm, smooth, sunny & smiley! 

The P2LP team did a super job organizing the event with staggered starts.  Swim buoys were allowed, which meant that even if you couldn't see the next kayaker, you could usually see some kind of buoy ahead.

The Kru post-race on Madeline Island.  l to r: We'taco, Showgirl, Peaches, Lt MJ, Hurricane Swimdy, Other Julie, Dragonfly, Mermaid Princess, Fyn-Fin.  Missing: Brick

Dragonfly smiling at the finish (note duck).  There was a woman in a red hat standing in the water, shouting, "You're there!  There's the dock, go on, get out!" (in a friendly & encouraging way, of course!)  I could hardly believe it as last year I never seemed to get there, even long after I had sighted the duck.

All roads lead to packet pickup - we still had the pre-race jitters in the photo above!  l-r:  Showgirl, Dragonfly, We'taco, Peaches

Below:  Showgirl & Dragonfly:  Romantic Interlude at Finish (we end on a private property on Madeline Island with a stunning view of the water, this photo shows a glimpse of the idyllic setting)

The Memories!  This is what all those 6 a.m. swims are all about.

The slickest Kru at Bruegger Bagels, back in good ol' Brueggers Bagels,Whitefish Bay, in our sporty red event sweatshirts:  Dragonfly, Lt MJ, Hollywood and Fyn-Fin.

Stay tuned for the next post:  Fyn-Fin's Foray around Mackinac Island!  8.2 miles!!!

1 comment:

Moondaug said...

Average temp for my hour swim at 6 pm was 65, with a substantial amount of time at 61 and 72.