Monday, September 25, 2023
Oh Sure, Let's All Go to the Beer Garden. Psych!
Last Swim: Sunday, Noon
Next Swims: Weekdays 6am & 6pm / Weekend Days 8am & noon
Weather Conditions: 70 & Sunnyish
Water Temp: 68
Waves: Moderately wavey from the southeast
Clarity: Clear away from shore
Kru: Itch, Rosey, Brick, Sandy, Kahuna, We'Tac, Hawaii 4.o, The D0lly Llama, Bakhtiari
Read the below post from the Cap'n. Oh sure, "let's all go for a swim, let's all go to the beer garden, let's all gather and wish the Dolly Lama Happy Birthday!" Lured by the Pied Piper of Glendale, off we went. But did the Cap'n show up? For any of it? Noooooooooo. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all. Including my polka partner Roscoe. Thanks to Hawaii 4-O for pulling out his phone and his NFL All Access Season Pass, and letting us watch the exciting conclusion to the Packers/Saints game. Love it!
For those debating swimming into October, note conditions are still surprisingly delicious. Get some while you can.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sunday 9/24 - The Dolly Llama's Birthday swim & social
Captn's Log Saturday September 23, 2023 - Noon
Next Swims: Sunday 8am & Noon / Weekdays 6am & 6pm
Weather Conditions: 72 & Sunny
Water Temp: 68
Waves: Moderately choppy from south east
Clarity: Clear away from shore
Kru: Itch, Rosey, Brick, Sandy, Kahuna, Wet Taco, OG=GQ, Bakhtiari, Capt'n
Sunday 9/24 is the Dolly Llama's birthday. Join the Dolly Llama for a post swim social at the Estabrook Bier Garten following Sunday's (9/24) noon swim. If you can't make the swim join us for a drink at Estabrook. The Dolly Llama should be there by 2pm.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Still Amazing Swimming
Last swim: 6am Thursday (and others, I'm sure)
Next swims: Weekdays 6 a.m and 6 p.m., Sat/Sun 8 a.m. and noon
Water temp: high 60's... STILL!
Air temp: low 50's
Waves: delightful swells
Clarity: no
Kru: Mermaid Princess, Showgirl, Mr. Anonymous, Linda the Lamprey, Flipper Guy, Ala
Both Mermaid Princess and I agreed later that it was touch and go whether we would leave our warm houses to swim today. It's darker and colder in the morning now... fyi.
But as usual, the rewards were great.
The water is still warm.
The gentle swells pushed us home.
On the return trip the sun escaped the clouds and lit up the shoreline so that every tree and leaf and rock was sharply defined.
Usually by the end of the swim I'm ready to be back on shore, but today I felt like I could have and should have kept on swimming.
These amazing photos courtesy of Mermaid Princess. |
The sun peeks out. |
Unexpected bonus: running into Linda the Lamprey as she lef the beach.
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Monday, September 11, 2023
Turbulent Conditions
Last swim: 6am Monday
Next swims: Weekdays 6 a.m and 6 p.m., Sat/Sun 8 a.m. and noon
Water temp: high 60's
Waves: big and turbulent
Clarity: nope
Precipitation: significant
Kru: Lydia the Tatto'd Lady, Mermaid Princess, Showgirl
Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins....
The word POOL was mentioned, but all it takes is one leader (Mermaid Princess!) and we were at the beach.
The waves were biggish. The rain was steady.
We left our gear under the overhang, and scampered into the water. At first we were just going to frolic. Once outside the rock piles, TTL suggested swimming north for a bit. And thus, we went to sewer pipe, then garage. MP and TTL proceeded to the birches.
All the while, the rain continued.
I love swimming in the rain.
Before the swim, the air felt chilly. After, it felt delightful.
We recombobulated under the shelter (of whatever that structure is), and headed up the ramp.
Captain's Courageous
Last swim: Sunday, Noon
Next swims: Weekdays 6:15 a.m and 6 p.m., weekend days 8 a.m. and noon
Water temp: 71
Waves: A bit choppy, with a push from the south
Clarity: Some clarity
Kru: I did not make a list, so there's probably some errors and ommissions here list (chime in in the comments if you have corrections): Itch, Diablo, Brick, Dave, Bobber, Ala, Lydia TTL (triumphantly returned from Big Shoulders), Luna, others, Kahuna
Yesterday, while some of us were home a-bed, or off for a pitifully short swim, our Ted (who despite being on the injured reserve list for most of the season), was off on an odyssey of pain and endurance at Ironman Wisconsin. His incredible streak stays alive (even though his run splits were perhaps a wee bit slower than years past). Very impressive. Congratulations Ted!
Fortunately the Village of Whitefish Bay has organized an event perfectly suited to commemorate Ted's achievement, his accent skills, and for us to cap off the end of summer:
Friday, September 8, 2023
Wavy and Warm
Last swim & Frolic: 6 a.m. Friday
Next swims: Saturday/Sunday 8 a.m. and noon, weekdays 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.,
Air: 60-ish
Water temp: upper 67-ish
Waves: Big waves with breakers
Clarity: no clarity, with a side of shoreline gunk
Kru: Mermaid Princess, Hurricane, Real Canadian, Showgirl, TattooLady, Exchange Student, and two dudes in wetsuits who declined to socialize
Shore support: One lone Wim Hoffer
We could hear the waves from the parking lot, and heading down the ramp there was advance talk about bagging the swim.
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Before |
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MP points the way to RealCanadian |
Most of the waves inside the rock piles were breaking. Waves on the south beach were just biggish, with a few breakers. Not sure about the north beach.
We put our feet in and felt the warm water.
Mermaid Princess and Exchange Student (welcome Ana!) put on their caps and goggles with no qualms. Real Canadian followed suit, and they all headed north. TTL, Hurricane, and I frolicked and chatted in the waves on the south side
A good time was had by all.
Welcome visiting badass swimmer Ana, who is trying out potential new cities here on the Third Coast. She also swam the Mackinaw Island event with FynFin.
We are wishing warm, flat water to Big Shoulders swimmers, TTL and Mermaid Princess, tomorrow.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Legally Blond
Last swim: 6 a.m. Thursday
Next swims: Weekdays 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Saturday/Sunday 8 a.m. and noon
Air: 55 to 60?
Water temp: No thermometer, but my guess 59, at the beach, but way warmer when you got way out past the rocks
Waves: Big, big waves, with lots of whitecaps
Clarity: Zip
Kru: Mermaid Princess, Mr. A, Anaswim!, Kahuna
Shore support: Small flock (school?) of Wim Hofers
So, someone left on the beach the above painting, so I did a mug shot of Mermaid Princess with it. She sure looks a lot happier in her mug shot than DJT does in his.
As I descended down the path towards the beach, my ears told me I was in for a good old rock & roll swim. Having read Dragonfly's post from yesterday, I had brought the full wetsuit, but I was assured by Mermaid Princess as I arrived at the beach that today it was nothing like yesterday water-temp wise. So since she and Mr. A were not putting on full wetsuits, neither did I. Which later brought to mind one of my mother's favorite questions about stupid actions "If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?"
As at least suggested by the below pictures, there were serious waves and whitecaps, and a tremendous amount of energy surging. in the Lake today.
The getting in and out today was challenging. As I got ready, I watched Mr. A and Mermaid Princess get into the water, a process that involved them steeling themselves for each wave that hit them, as they made their way cautiously and carefully in. I resolved to resolutely, without hestitattion, make a impressive run into the water. The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft a-gley. I made my start, then realized "@#$%^ IT'S @#$^ COLD WATER!", and the first big waves that hit me spit me back onto the beach. MERMAID PRINCESS LIED about the water temp. And of course, the waves are always bigger, once you're actually in them. My second attempt at an entrance was far more successful, and once in I managed to swim a nice straight path out to way past the big rock piles, the ones that were hoping for a big wave that would propel me into them (so they could grind me up into tasty little meaty bits for the gulls).
Once safely way out, I then started off on a nice swim north. I swam for several minutes, breathing to my east so as to enjoy my view of the morning sky. Then I stopped to see if I was to downspout yet, and quickly realized "nope, I'm no further north then when I started." Infinity pool conditions for a fraction of the cost.
It was pleasant swimming way out there (much to the disappointment of the hungry, hungry rocks), swimming along in the big, big swells. Swimming one breath at one elevation with one view, and then swimming the next breath at an entirely different elevation with an entirely different view.
As usual on Big Water days, the return to the beach involved some navigation and planning. There was that moment where I was directly between the rocks, and they thought it would be funny, if they and the waves just held me there for a while, to see if would give up and they would get the chance to jointly wack me to bits. HA! NOT TODAY ROCKS!
Finally, welcome to newbie Anaswims! We were a bit worried watching her on her swim back t the beach, as she headed straight toward the south pile of rocks, before correcting just in time. She's working on her graceful exits from the Lake. Good luck to her as she heads to San Diego (I think she said for a 10k swim, impressive), and also to all of the Kru who are doing Big Shoulders this weekend. Post-swim Chicago Dog, Italian Beef Sandwich, China Town Dim Sum, or Deep Dish Pizza? Or maybe all four?
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Not What I Was Expecting
Last swim: 6 a.m. Wednesday
Next swims: Weekdays 6 a.m., Saturday/Sunday 8 a.m. and noon
Air: High 70s, humid, mist
Water temp: 55.... yes, that's right. Reportedly warmer north of the rocks
Waves: A little bounce from SE
Clarity: bleh
Kru: Showgirl, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Lt. MJ, Hurricane Swimdy, Fin-Fyn, Faux Canadian, A La Mode, Drangonfly
Shore & lake support: Wim Hofers, SUPers
"@#$!, You guys!"
TTL shrieked before even putting in the thermometer.
She pulled it out at 55, it was still going down.
TTL rushing to take the temperature from a different spot, hoping for a better outcome.
People kept drifting down to the beach and exclaiming, "but the Buoy said 69!"
Our Lady of Lake Michigan dearly loves a good joke, and one of her favorites is to suddenly and randomly make the weather buoy look like a liar and an asshole.
We often muse in our heads, on the way down to the water, how far a swim we're going to feel like doing. 1,000? 2,000? Today, all those plans were swiftly brought to naught.
Those of us who were skin waded in, splashed around a bit. Except for Fin-Fyn, who heroically set out around the rocks and promptly disappeared from view. For a minute we thought she might be missing again! Would we have to go back in the water to rescue her? No, fortunately she reappeared before we could even really speculate, having swum a fairly epic 500 yards.
Lt. MJ and TTL had the foresight to bring (and wear) wetsuits and swam the longest. Lt. MJ came up with a smile, but TTL emerged with a purple brow and scowl that had apparently frozen.
"This is NOT what I came back for," she said, referencing a recent trip to Minneapolis...a grueling ordeal of a trip.
It was freezing, it was stinky, but--some compensation--at least it was beautiful.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
The Dragonfly Whisperer
Captn's Log Saturday September 3rd - noon
Next swim(s): Monday (9/4) Noon, (week day schedule varying due to comment if swimming)
Weather conditions: 88 & sunny
Water temp: 72
Waves: flat
Clarity: a wee bit cloudy nearshore
Kru: Itch, Diablo, Kahuna, She who shall not be named, Brick, Sandy, Moondawg-Gumdrop, Bakhtiari, Wet Taco, Bobber, The Big Sbow, Seal Whisperer, Dusterino, Kate, Gigi, Abe, Angela, Capt'n with shore support from The Ostrich Whisperer and Sarah
Another picture perfect day to swim in the lake... and rehydrate afterwards at the Bavarian Bierhaus! While it has long been rumored that fellow Kru mate Dragonfly (a.k.a. Drangonfly) had this unique talent, those in attendance at today's Bavarian Bierhaus Rehydration event were all amazed when Kahuna arrived with a special friend. (see pictures) Who knew Kahuna was also a Dragonfly Whisperer!?!? Apparently this just the tip of the proverbial ice berg for Kahuna. Next time he promises to showcase his Snake and sea serpent whisperer abilities.
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Post Swim Social Sunday (9/3) at Bavarian Bierhaus
Captn's Log Saturday September 2nd - noon
Next swim(s): Sunday 8am & Noon, Monday Noon,
Weather conditions: 84 & sunny
Water temp: 70
Waves: flat
Clarity: a wee bit cloudy nearshore
Kru: Itch, Diablo, Luna Lagoona, Lagoona, Moondawg-Gumdrop, Birthday Boy Bakhtiari, Wet Taco, Bobber, OG=GQ, Lake-Quatch, Seal Wisperer, J.K. Rowling, Dolly Llama, Hawaii-4-O, Capt'n with shore support from Lil' Lagoona
My apologies for not getting this out sooner...we've been talking about this for a bit now so let's make it happen! October fest is happening at the Bavarian Bierhaus. Lots of great grog, food and Umpa-pa-pa bands! The weather forecast looks great for rehydrating following Sunday's noon swim. No worries if you can't make the swim. Feel free to join us after the swim.
If you missed this afternoon's are a few fun snaps from Flat Rock (a.k.a. Party Rock) compliments of Lake-Quatch. ...oh, and Happy Birthday to Bakhtiari!
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