Sunday, November 26, 2017

Brown Fat Camp

Next Swim: Today at Noon

Come and join us in our search to increase our fat

We all know the benefits all cold water:

  1. It boosts your immune system
  2. It gives an endorphin high
  3. It enhances your circulation
  4. It increases your libido
  5. It burns more calories
  6. It reduces stress
Also, we know when it comes to losing weight and burning fat, nothing is black and white. But new research shows there may be some benefit in looking more closely at brown—fat, that is. Researchers have long known that many of us have too much white fat: The kind that ups the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems. But now, emerging research is proving that it's possible to boost our levels of brown fat, which is considered healthful since it actually helps us burn calories and sucks white fat out of the rest of the body. 

One of the ways to increase Brown Fat is to turn down the temperature. 
Nobody likes to be very cold, and you might assume that cold temps even increase your risk for becoming sicker, but studies are now telling us otherwise. Research is now suggesting that due to the near-constant use of air conditioners and heating systems indoors, plus less time spent outside in nature, a general “lack of exposure to temperature variation” could be a contributor to low brown fat concentration.

So, which better way to increase your Brown Fat that swimming with the Kru?

See ya by la playa

PS.- Ados nago ados ez egotea


Moondaug said...

How now Brown Cow.

Moondaug said...

When is the next Brown Fat Boot Camp?

Neo said...

Who want's to log a December swim. I'm tempted for tomorrow...