Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Winter Swim Musings

a Krew member swims north in late February (video credit: John Wilson)

There often comes a time in the middle of the winter when I find myself ardently wishing I could swim with my Klode friends. A morning last week was one of those times. It's because I read the following poem:

Ghazal: Sea 

by Moira Egan

with a final couplet by e. e. cummings

As Karen Blixen said, the cure’s the sea
—or sweat, or tears—but I prefer the sea.

In fact, it’s homeopathy. Why cry
with eyes baptised (if reddened) by the sea?

The metaphors of fabric come to mind:
cool silk or aqua velvet, summer sea

            (or better, come to body: intimate,
            enveloped skin on skin, the lover sea).

The bone-ache deep, the pains gone unexplained:
for now just dive, ameliorator sea.

The “mermaid’s tears,” smoothed glass or plastic: lovely
but hazardous to creatures of the sea.

This evening’s rough: Poseidon snaps my straps.
Pathetic fallacy, bipolar sea.

And in their one-piece suits, the ladies age
and silver, laugh and rage: September sea.

For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)
it’s always ourselves we find in the sea.

Copyright © 2025 by Moira Egan. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on March 5, 2025, by the Academy of American Poets.

And here is the ee cummings poem from which she stole the final two lines. It is also redolent of our shared swimming joy, just in a different way.

maggie and milly and molly and may

by ee cummings

maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach(to play one day)

and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles,and

milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;

and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and

may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

For whatever we lose(like a you or a me)
it’s always ourselves we find in the sea

Copyright © 1956, 1984, 1991 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust from The Complete Poems: 1904–1962 by E. E. Cummings, Edited by George J. Firmage. Reprinted by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Farewell Mitch Lewis, aka Mr. Bubble

I am sorry to report that Mitch Lewis, aka Mr. Bubble passed away unexpectedly on March 1, 2025.

He swam with the Kru for years.  One day he arrived wearing a Mr. Bubble t-shirt, and thus, his nickname was born.  He was a master breaststroke-er, and was always friendly and welcoming to new swimmers.

His memorial service is this Saturday, March 8th from 4-6 pm at Spaces, 1433 N. Water St. Milwaukee, WI 53202.

Here is the the message posted today on his Facebook page:

Mitchell Scott Lewis (07/15/1956-03/01/2025), beloved husband, parent, grandparent, uncle, cousin, and friend to so many, has passed away. He left us suddenly, after completing his last race: a 5k in Madison, WI, raising funds for refugees, with his friend, DeWitt Clinton. He passed quickly and unexpectedly, and he was not believed to have suffered pain. Mitch was born in Milwaukee, WI, raised in Long Island, NY, and Milwaukee, WI, went to Northwestern University for Biology and Rush University for Health Systems Management. He also lived in Atlanta, GA, with his family before moving back to Milwaukee, WI, in 1996.
He lived a life doing exactly what he loved: being with his family, helping others, and being physically active. When possible, doing both simultaneously. He played a huge rule in both working and volunteering for local health and hospital systems, including Aurora Health Systems. Even in his retirement, Mitch stayed active, volunteering for a local health clinic, being a board member and volunteer at his daughter’s nonprofit, Community Center for Immigrants, and helping raise his granddaughter, Lhamo. Mitch cared deeply about his children, Debra and Caitlyn, as well as his precious grandchildren, Lhamo and Leonardo. He was proud of his daughter, Debra, for her achieving her doctorate, opening her own practice as a Psychologist, and competing in endurance events just like him. He was proud of his daughter, Caitlyn, for opening and running her own nonprofit helping immigrants become citizens and learn English.
Mitch would do anything for his grandkids, and they knew they had him wrapped around their finger. Mitch and his wife, Bonnie, were meant for each other. Together 41 years, their marriage was a strong constant in his life and they still went on dates. The type of connection where they are entirely reliant in each other but in a beautiful, meant-to-be-together, type of way. Although his loss is devastating, we find peace that he passed quickly, did not appear to be in pain, and that he was with his dear friend, DeWitt. He died doing what he loved: being physically active outdoors.
He now joins his mother, Connie Litton, father, Julian Lewis, his grandfathers, grandmothers, and other passed relatives. He is survived by his siblings, Elizabeth O’Brien, Valerie Wisniewski, and Greg Lewis, as well as family members: Bob Wisniewski, Brooks Wisniewski, Andie Wisniewski, Lilly O’Brien, Jimmy O’Brien, Jess Lewis, and Joseph Lewis. He was an active member of the following communities throughout his life, including: Aurora Medical Center, Aurora Walker’s Point Clinic, Team Phoenix, Klode Krew, and Wheel and Sprocket.
Please help us remember Mitch’s life. His service will be Saturday, March 8th from 4-6 pm at:
1433 N. Water St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Also please donate to his memorial fund for Community Center for Immigrants at:

Here is a link to his Facebook page:

and additional information:

Swim on, Mr. Bubble, we will miss you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 New Year swim/plunge

Last Swim: New Year day

Next Swims: some swimming a few days a week. Post if inquiring 

Water Temp: 44 F. Per Garmin smart watch and Surf Report site. This may be our warmest recorded New Year plunge.

Air Temp: 29

Krew: Sorry, forgot my note pad. From recollection-Library Lady, Fin- Fin, Show Girl, Diablo, Itch, MJ, Dragonfly, Rick from Boston, Forger, Icedaug, Brick, the Lagunas, Hollywood, Tom...and more.

Shore Support: many.

I guestimate about 20-30 Klode Krew people showed up for our annual New Year plunge. And many other people/groups as well. Some in skin, some suited up. Some viking plunge dippers, some suited long range swimmers, and some impressive skin swimmers. 

Diablo swam an impressive South South beach to Picnik table and back- skin. Brick suited up for an almost to 3-Piers swim (with Itch in putsuit). Wetaco did her first viking plunge! And many others enjoyed their various vigorous swims and plunges. 

Enjoying the snacks, hot beverages, and elixirs, New Years resolutions forged. Forward! What's yours?

P.S. Anyone take some action shots of me with my Mr. Belvedere speedo swim suit on? 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

2025 Polar Plunge at noon New Year's Day, and today... it was a nice day for a walk

Last Swim:  Sunday 12/29, 8am, (plus others, undoubtedly)

Next Swims:  Noon New Year's Day-- the Klode Kru official polar plunge
Water temp: So. Very. Cold.  (We had no thermometer.)
Air Temp:  39F and breezy out of the north
Water Quality:  annoying chop
Clarity: murky
Kru:  Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin,  Holly, Marian the Librarian, Showgirl
Shore Support:  none, though three WimHoffers were there when we arrived

Hi Friends - We will do our own, low-key polar plunge at noon on Wednesday, as usual, AT KLODE. (where else??)  The current forecast looks chilly/windy but also sunny.

Some of us decided to squeeze in a first and last December swim this morning.  Conditions were less than ideal, but for December, they were pretty good.

Fyn-Fin's triumphant exit from the water.

The power of the group compelled five of us to suit up and get in the water.  It did not, however, compel us to begin swimming right away.  

In case you haven't experienced Klode in a while, the water is so shallow that you can pretty much walk to any swimming destination you wish to visit.

And thus, the swimming to walking ratio this morning  was about 60-40.  Maybe 70-30.  Maybe 50-50.  Who knows.

Post-swim, happy to be warm(ish) and dry.

But we did eventually swim north to the sewer pipe, and Lt MJ and Fyn-Fyn went further. Badasses.  It was a slow start though.

It was probably a blessing that we didn't have a thermometer.  A quick search suggests that the water is in the mid 30's.  

See you Wednesday.  Brings treats.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Compulsory Zen

Last Swim:  Wednesday 8am, (plus many others that go unblogged because blogging can be a pita, but also if a tree falls...?)

Next Swims:  M-F really, who knows?  Because we've kind of fallen off the edge of the earth, swim-wise, yet here we are.  Thanks climate change.
                            Sat. & Sun.  noon (usually)        
                            (Not sure about the m-f 5:30 pm situation)
                            (Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 48f
Air Temp:  low 40's, getting breezy
Water Quality:  flat as glass
Clarity: clear near shore, murky further out
Kru:  Lt. MJ, Showgirl
Shore Support:  none, though the WimHoffers were there earlier and the workmen continue to work on the... see below

Photo credit: Mermaid Princess

Table of Contents
Chapter 1.  I will if you will
Chapter 2. Showgirl looses her voice
Chapter 3. Zen swimming
Chapter 4. The real reason for religious orders vow of silence
Chapter 5. The real reason the lake level is lower.
Chapter 6. You might need a $100 changing robe
Chapter 7. Sunday swim recap
Chapter 8. Being thankful

Chapter 1.  I will if you will
Lt. MJ, who missed Sunday's AMAZING (after it was done) noon swim, was growing concerned that she might not squeeze in a November swim.  There are people, many people, who wish to log at least one swim per month.  There are others (me) who avoid unnecessary suffering and often skip the brutal months of sub-50F swims.  But I digress.  Anyway, in an, "I will if you will" moment, we agreed to meet at the beach.

Chapter 2. Showgirl looses her voice
But prior to these swim plans, I contracted a weird cold (no, not covid) and subsequently lost my voice.  Today is day three of no talking. I hope that one day soon I will talk again.

Photo credit: me, obviously

Chapter 3. Zen swimming
So it turns out that an involuntary vow of silence might lead to more calm peaceful experiences.  It would certainly cut back on those, "gee I wish I hadn't said that," and "gee I wish that person would STFU," moments.  It also causes you to get your wetsuit, booties, gloves, buoy, caps, goggles and whatever ELSE is in your pre-swim ritual (that only gets longer and more complicated with each drop in temperature) onto your body way way faster if nobody is chit-chatting.

After the swim, we were quite speedy in getting dressed and up the hill.  And due to the stunning lack of conversation, we went our separate ways.  The entire outing took about an hour and 2o.

Lt. MJ's perception of the swim was all beauty, peace, and zen.  My perception was that I had a lot of trivial sh*t to say and no way to say it.

Chapter 4. The real reason for religious orders vow of silence
Because of this, it occurred to me that religious orders with vows of silence really exist in order to squeeze more work, and thus profitability, out of the nuns/monks.

These are the thoughts you have room for when you're not running your mouth.

Chapter 5. The real reason the lake level is lower.
If you've been to Klode recently, you may have noticed that there is a hive of activity at that mysterious mid-level structure.  Our own Mermaid Princess has gotten to the bottom of that.  Apparently, embedded in the hill is a pump that sucks in water for Whitefish Bay's fire hydrants.

Photo Credit: Lt. MJ-- So. Much. Beach.

Chapter 6. You might need a $100 changing robe
Maybe it's the WimHoffers.  Maybe it's the uptick in open water swimming due to the pandemic.  All to say, there's a preponderance of $150+ changing parkas on the market that are all on sale now. I suspect this is because people who engage in a sport that requires no actual equipment are inherently cheap.

Chapter 7. Sunday swim recap
Noon swim last Sunday, water was 46 and wavy, air was balmy low 50's, swimmers were Marion the Librarian, Lydia the TTL, Showgirl, Dragonfly (freaking skin swim!), Luna Laguna, Laguna Mike, Spawn o' Lagunas.  Itch, we missed you.

Chapter 8. Being thankful
Likely there will be a Thanksgiving swim, details TBD.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

If you still had your armpits....

 Last Swim:  Wednesday 6:15am 

Next Swims:  M-F 6:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Not sure about the 5:30 pm situation)
(Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 50....yes, 50!!!
Air Temp:  64
Surf Report:  Some waves, SW breeze blowing our towels around on the beach.
Clarity:  Too cold to notice
Kru:  Lydia the Tattoo'd Lady, Fin-Fyn Klodecky, Lt. MJ, Showgirl, Dragonfly
Shore Support:  A La Mode, Wim Hofers

This was not even close to a sunrise swim...pre-dawn, with the sky lightening ever so gradually in spectacular colors to the east.

TTL announced the temperature, and immediately people began to gear up more slowly, rearranging items on their blankets, anything to the avoid the actual moment of submersion.

Discussion began with a generational divide, with Lt. MJ referencing Mister Magoo and Fin-Fyn stating "I don't even know what that is."  The rest of us reminisced about Mr. Magoo's blythe myopia which led him on adventures such as driving into a gladiator pit of lions, being launched in a moon rocket, and confronting his own mortality in A Christmas Carol.  

But the great thing about being Mr. Magoo, is that everything works out in the end.  

Lt. MJ shared this helpful link:  “ https://youtu.be/t8GTHXTEvIc ” 

Swims were pretty conversative and centered around the rocks, with no one wanting to go too far in the darkness "in case they had a heart attack."  Even TTL's adventure light, which flashed like a strobe in her buoy, was only intermittently visible.

"I'm just here for the waves and the sunset," said TTL.

The water was startingly cold, but brought on a sense of euphoria once you recovered from the shock.

Fin-Fyn, in skin with sleeves, gloves and booties, scored 1,000 yards!  "I was thinking about the science," she said as we shivered back into our shore clothes, "like how can you be standing in a swimsuit in 50-degree air, and its fine, but 50 degree water is devastating."

"But at least you would still have your armpits," said Showgirl in one of those logic leaps attributable at least in part to hypothermia.  Oddly, we all seemed to understand what she meant.

Fin-Fyn Klodecky, Dragonfly, Lt. MJ, Showgirl, TTL Goofy post-swim Magoo-grins.

A lone Wim Hofer and fiery sky captured by TTL

Friday, October 18, 2024

Forgetful Full Moon Friday

Last Swim:  Friday 6:15am (and many many others that go unblogged because.... reasons)

Next Swims:  M-F 6:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Not sure about the 5:30 pm situation)
(Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 57f
Air Temp:  low 40's
Water Quality/Clarity:  Pretty amazingly clear with small waves out of the south
Kru:  Lydia the Tattoo'd Lady, Dragonfly, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Luna Laguna, Showgirl
Shore Support:  AlaMode, Magic Mike

She matched the sky.  And also had no socks.

Today was a classic example of how you can never predict the greatness of a swim based on all the pre-swimming grumbling and profanity.

So. Much. Profanity.

Also... everyone seemed to forget something.  Fortunately, other swimmers were mostly able to provide the missing item. I forgot my entire bag of post-swim clothes.  Luna Laguna forgot her swim socks, and miraculously, TTL's teeny-tiny neoprene socks saved the day for her.  

I forget what all everyone forgot, but every few moments someone said the words, "I forgot my.... mind, patience, filter, whatever."

We had also clearly checked our tolerance and sweet dispositions at the door, so any verbal mis-step was immediately called out.

Meanwhile, we put on varying layers of neoprene and predicted varying swim distances.

The little waves were out of the south, and so we decided to swim that way.  Again, there was fairly continuous grumbling as we got in the water and began swimming.

That must have been when the magic began.

The moon.  Did I mention the moon?  It's was an enormous, bright, super moon. The Hunter's Moon, according to MJ.  

Photo credit: Showgirl

It was amazing-- peeking brightly over the trees, following us for the entire swim.  And then along came the sun--also beautiful.

So most of us wore some level of wetsuit.  Luna Laguna and Fyn-Fin wore only the neoprene accessories (socks, sleeves, maybe gloves).  Post swim Fyn-Fin said something like, "I couldn't tell if I was swimming through warmer water or if I was dying."

All to say, it was a shockingly great swim.

Photo credit: Lt. MJ

And finally, because every day at the beach has some bit of weirdness, Ala pointed out that scattered all over the beach were shells.  Not the zebra mussel shells that we're used to, but ocean-y shells that previously housed some type of sea creature.  Yet here, at Klode.