Sunday, July 14, 2024

Welcome to Milwaukee, Lake Michigan, and Lake Michigan Open Water Swimming

If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, welcome to The Good Land!  

Aboove is the Milwaukee People's Flag.  It shows the sun rising over Lake Michigan, symbolizing Milwaukeans' optimism in the promise of a new day. 

We are the Lake Michigan Swimmers, a Milwaukee-based group of Lake Michigan open water swimmers. 

Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach (in Whitefish Bay, just north of downtown Milwaukee), and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have any questions, see "Kru FAQ's" on the right side of this blog, below the pictures.    

Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Swim Forecast for the Week of July 14th:  The forecast for swimming this week in Lake Michigan is an excellent one. We have recently been experiencing high water temperatures (in the low to mid 70s), and the expectation is that those temperatures will continue this week. With those temps, most folks do not want or need a wetsuit.  (Note, a forecast is not a guarantee; the Lake, she be highly fickle).

If you have any questions about swimming with us that are not answered in the below-linked-to "Kru FAQ" document, post your questions in the comments section of the blog, and it is probable that one of us will get back to you promptly.  

Hope to see you on da beech!

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