Thursday, July 4, 2024

Fourth of July (Part II)

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)
Last Swim:  July 4th, 10:00 a.m. 
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: 59 degrees measured near to shore.  A bitwarmer (64?) further away from shore.  Do not trust the buoy as to at-the-beach water temps.         
Air temp: High 70's, cloudy.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear at shore, not so much further out. 
Waves:  Flat.   
Boat Traffic: Lots of it, and lots of it close to shore.
Kru:  Super Hera, Bradley, Michelle-from-Chicago (not that one), Peaches, Moondaug, Sonakahuna, Kahuna.  Late arrival by Mike and another guy who’s name I can’t remember.
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, post those in the comments section of the blog.   

I nice patriotic pirate swim out to the shipwreck. Sonakahuna dived down the buoy rope, and claims he saw the wreck.  Most of the rest of it failed to see it. Post swim, Killepitsch poured and the nation toasted.    


Dolphina said...

Anybody know if the east wind made a difference today? Last night at McKinley was bloody Baltic minus five. Or if it helps you, my skin-o-meter registered about 50-52 F. And I was in full wetsuit. The cold was unrelenting. I went out quite a ways. It seemed to be too cold for the boats.

And yet the lake is calling....I may head down in a couple of hours.

P.S. I appreciate your excellent bloggers!! Helpful stuff and some fine writing!


Moondaug said...

68 degree water this afternoon!