Saturday, July 20, 2024

Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish -- Just Add Water!


Last Swim:  Sat., July 20, 2024, noon.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Full Moon Swim:  If you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 
Water temp: 71 at shore per the Sandy-O-Meter; cooler areas (maybe down to the low 60s) in multiple areas during the swim.
Weather: High 70's, mixed sun and clouds.        
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear; 9 of 10.   
Waves:  Riffled.    
Boat Traffic:  Moderate.    
Kru:  WeTac, Hawaii 4.0, Amy, Peaches, Brick, BillyBobber, Sandy (Beach Name "Sandy"), Dragonfly, Mr. A, Forger, Amy-With-A-Duck, Sarah, Bahtiari, Diablo, Kahuna (maybe others, sorry if I missed adding you to the list, if I missed you, leave a comment).

Several members of the Kru took advantage of the pleasant conditions today, and went long, going to Big Bay and Back. 

The above is a picture of my new granddaughter, Gloria.  I went swimming with her in  Lake Michigan last night, but I don't have photographic proof of it, so I'm just posting a picture I took of her this morning.  She liked the Lake and the beach.  When she was born in February, I made sure that she tasted Killepitsch before she tasted mother's milk.

OK, in last Sunday's blog, the Captain had a link to some old 1960 Mountain Dew TV commericials.  After I watched that, I went down the rabbit hole, to the 1960 TV commericial for "Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish."  I embeded a link to the commercail above (and here is the link again, just in case the above embedded video does not work).  If there is an official toy of the Klode Kru, I think it should be "Live Wham-O Instant Fish." 

As I mentioned above, if you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 

Update:  After I posted the above, a relative sent me a picture of Gloria and me at the beach.  Cue The Lion King Song.


Kahuna said...

Brief Report:
Last swim: 7/21/24, noon.
Kru: Inspector Morris, Brianna (expecting), Moondaug, We'Tac (On Board), Billybobber, Brick, King Triton, Ol' Half Ass, Diablo, Angela, Kahuna, and dipper and shore support from SheWhoMustNotBeNamed.
Water Temp: 68, with variations along the way.
Water Conditions: Wavey. Strongish current from the North. Clarity, near shore amongst the rocks, not clear (and headed towards gunky, and more fragrant); away from shore 5 of 10.
Construction Coming?: WFB says they are starting a bluff stabliziation construction project on 7/22. Beach closures may occur. If you see such, please let folks know in the comments section (and whether its REALLY CLOSED, or more of just a suggestion).

Stickler said...

I was there, too, at noon!

Magic Mike said...

All was as usual on Monday, July 22 at 6am

jamie said...

Mundane Mike

jamie said...


Moondaug said...

Full moon swim on Sat was gorgeous. 67, nice moon wave swell and sways, and bright red buck moon, 99.5% illumination. Conner also showed up sometime and swam I think.

Lieutenant MJ said...

Warm (70-71) and flat this AM. Lots of construction equipment on the bluff - marking flags planted on the grass above the beach - we thought about pulling them up in order to delay the inevitable construction but alas we decided to be good citizens. Hard to tell if beach will be closed or not.

Kahuna said...

Brief Report:
Last swim: 7/23/24, 6 a.m.
Kru: Mr. Gietzen, Magic Mike, Mark, Lt. M.J., Pool Noodle (Julie), Diablo, Kahuna and a bunch of other swimmers whose names I didn't catch (my appologies if I missed you; if I did, add your name in the comments section below).
Water Temp: 71, with warmer areas (74 maybe?) along the way.
Water Conditions: Flat. Clear. Sun Sparkled.

Lieutenant MJ said...

FYI - re: Klode project - link to project details

Hawaii 4.0 said...

Hawaii Four-O here: Was thinking of swimming tonight (Thurs 7/25) at 5:30 but wondered if anyone knew whether the E.Coli issues that closed Bradford extend up to Klode area?

Lieutenant MJ said...

There is nothing on the DNR site that I see that indicates Klode has issues - you can sign up for notification emails on the site if you want.

Kahuna said...

Brief Report:
7/24/24, 5:30 p.m.
Kru: Diablo, King Triton, Mr. A, Ryan, Kahuna, with shore suport from Homesick and SheWhoMustNotBeNamed.
Water Temp: 70s.
Water Conditions: Wavey. A bit gunky between the rocks. Strong current from the North.