Friday, July 12, 2024

Unprecedented Photo Phrolic!


(Not Your Captain's Log)

Last Swim:  Friday, June 12, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post if you'd like to suggest a swim time.)     
Water temp: 69.4 per the Tattooed Lady  
Air temp: Low 70s, Bright sun, sneaky little breeze from the NE
Water Quality/Clarity:  On the murky side, but "you can't have everything," Fin-Fyn said
Waves:  Small ripples
Kru:  Cindy, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Holly, Hollywood, A la Mode, Michelle, Svetlana,
Dragonfly, Moondaug, Steve from Chicago

As I drove over the Hoan, a tug headed out through the pearlescence toward the harbor gap to meet a dawn-lit freighter (I think I have shared in the past my dream of an alternate life as a tugboat captain.)

At Klode, all was flat, peaceful and serene.  A gentle NE breeze pushed up a few ripples.  Clarity left something to be desired, but all else was so gratifying as we launched North, skin, into the unfrigid waters.  It was tolerable until at about Rock Wall, when we hit what felt like a wall of bathwater--like 85 degrees from an invisible thermal--that was absolutely balmy.  Very strange.  This was followed by a sub-70 cold patch, and the swim proceeded like this through "stripes" of hot and cold.  Despite the bath pockets, my upper arms felt cold, and though I saw the buoys bobbing away invitingly toward Three Piers, I decided I would not follow.

A bit of FOMO when later they returned with these IN LAKE photos taken on a sandbar just off Three Piers.  Steve from Chicago had carried a Go Pro in the front of his wetsuit! l-r, first pic: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Moondaug, Holly, Svetlana, Cindy, Michelle, Lt. MJ)

l-r second pic:  Moondaug, Cindy, Holly, Svetlana, Lt. MJ, Michelle, Steve from Chicago

Thanks, Steve, for upping our Klode Kru swim documentation game!  You'll have to come back when we go south to Flat Rock!


Steve said...

Hey I made it onto the blog - sweet! Thanks for being so welcoming and helping me learn some landmarks. (and avoid the tree) Great swimming with you folks this morning, and I'll look forward to the next one : )

Kahuna said...

More on that thing that reportedly looks like some sort of large, partially submerged floating tree trunk. Analysis of Go Pro video from Thursday evening's swim--showing We'Tac and Itch, or Diablo and Dragonfly swimming?--reveals the truth:

jamie said...

Poor damn croc just looking for a snack getting hassled by the man.