Friday, July 26, 2024

Gunk on the Thermometer

 Last Swim:  Friday, June 12, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post to suggest a swim time.    
Water temp: 70
Air temp: 64 (est.), chilly little NE breeze, hazy sun
Water Quality/Clarity:  Murky with clear areas
Waves:  A bit of chop here and there
Kru:  Early shift:  Diablo.  Sunny Luna Laguna,  Lt. MJ, Mermaid Princess, Holly, Hollywood, Fin-Fyn, Dragonfly, Magic Mike, another fellow (Gordon?)

Despite the Gunk on the Thermometer as Mary Jo took the temperature, it was arguably the best swim of the season!  We skirted the masses of green moss lining the water's edge and eased in near the south rocks.  The moss was warmer than the sand in the early sun.  If the water started at 70, the further you got from the rocks and out into the lake, the warmer it was.  Several of us were in wetsuits as the air was chill and we had an inkling the swim might turn long.  This was certainly the case for me as I cruised beyond the Cute Chairs,  White Canoe, One-Man Beach, Three Piers, and the Blue Thing.  I know there are Sandbags beyond the Blue Thing, but I may have been too far from shore to identify them.  What I saw seemed to be nondescript rocky shoreline for a couple of hundred yards as I slogged against a developing chop increasingly eastward, as the north arm of the bay curves in.  I turned at 2,000 yards at no particular landmark and felt a friendly push all the way home to Klode.  I later learned that the mythical Crystal Palace was still 500 yards, or about 10 minutes, away by my current speed from my furthest north.  Since that would have added 20 minutes to my total swim, I left it for another day.  But having inched a bit closer to these significant landmarks - Big Bay last week, Crystal Palace this week - my respect for those who have actually achieved these storied sights has only increased.

MJ confronts the gunky thermometer. She noted that the water was "more of a solid," fortunately it re-liquified further out!


Kahuna said...

Brief Report:
7/27/24, noon
Kru: Diablo, King Triton, Mr. A, Dragonfly, Abby, Hollywood, Brick, BillyBobber, Eric, Bakhtiari, SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, Kahuna. (Some swimmers headed out as I arrived; if I missed you, my appologies.)
Water Temp: 75 something.
Water Conditions: Wavey. Some whitecaps. Clearish. Strong current from the South.

Kahuna said...

7/28/24, noon
Kru: King Triton, Peaches, BillyBobber, We'Tac, Magic Mike, Bakhtiari, SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, newbies Big10 and Flounder, a unknown swimmer who we saw headed north from norths beach, and Kahuna.
Water Temp: 72?
Water Conditions: Wavey.Some whitecaps.Murky than yesterday. Strong current from the South.

Shannon said...

Hello! I am coming to Milwaukee for work in September and I want to swim with you! Usually I swim in SF Bay - some of my swimmer friends have visited y'all before, that's how I found this blog. Is there a way to connect directly with any of y'all, perhaps to get a ride up to the beach? I'm staying at a hotel in downtown and won't have a car. Can I get a Lyft at 5:30am? I've never been to Milwaukee and I'm very excited about the trip, especially if I can swim while I'm there!! Thanks!!