Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hawaiian Luau

           Lion King:  Timon and Pumba Dance the Hula.

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)

Last Swim:  July 7th, noon 
Upcoming Group Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: 69 degrees.  (But still, do not put all your trust in the buoy as to at-the-beach water temps.)         
Air temp/skies: High 70's, mostly cloudy.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clearish.   
Waves:  Chop, chop. 
Current: Strongish current from the south.   
Boat Traffic: None. 
Kru:  LTTL , Sandy (Beachname "Sandy"), Brick, Bobber, Cali-Kat, Diablo, Hollywood, Fin Fin, Itch (a/k/a King Triton), Capt’n, Bakhtiari, Kahuna (if I missed someone, let me know). 
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with our intrepid little group.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, in the right column, below the pictures, click on "Kru FAQs."     

As we all know, on July 7, 1898 President William McKinley signed the Newlands Resolution, which annexed Hawaii as a territory of the United States.  But, IMHO, all those folks in Hawaii didn't have a better swim today, than members of the Kru did.   Distance was swam, Killepitsch was poured.  


Kahuna said...

Monday evening swim. Kru: King Triton, Elsbeth, Kahuna, and late arrival br triathletes Dr. John and Friend. Temp measured at shore 64, cooler off shore (59 or 60). Clear and flat.

Lieutenant MJ said...

63.7 this morning (took temp post swim) definitely some much colder spots - but some warm patches too - especially around sewer pipe ...hmm..tried not to think about it that much and just enjoyed the warmth before the return of the cold patches outside the rocks. Flat and oh so calm. Just me and Magic Mike at the start. He is speedy and swam skin so he was gone before my return - swam north to the "napping pod" past the chairs then back south past the rocks to the beach with the blue kayak. (I think I may have seen Ala Mode on the beach but she too was gone before I got back) Enjoyed the serenity of being the only one on the beach when I finished - just me and the seagulls - well until the chatty dog walkers and runners came down the ramp. :)

Moondaug said...

FYI. I talked to what appeared to be one of the construction project managers today (at Big Bay) and he told me the water at Big Bay should be the same quality as Klode and Atwater. And that the construction situation there should not interfere with the water quality.

Moondaug said...

Perfect water this afternoon. 70, flat with little contours, and refreshing pockets of 68, and the occasional 72. Nothing you have to see the principal about. A couple of small bait balls as well.

Kahuna said...

Wednesday morning brief report. Water temp 66.5. Mostly flat with a few swells. 9 out of 10 clarity. Cloudy and a pleasant 69 degrees air. Kru: Dragonfly, Magic Mike, A La Mode, Lieutenant MJ, Cindy, Kahuna and on the early shift, Aquaman and Diablo (who is celebrating Spain's win yesterday against France in the Euro Cup). Winning goal scored by a 16 year old billionaire (I told Daiblo he should go home and tell his many sons to get out of bed and go earn some money for him). Showgirl with us in spirit (hip surgery on Monday reportedly will keep her out of the Lake for 6 weeks; bummer). Three Lions will be rocking this afternoon, when England plays the Netherlands. If England wins, they would play Spain Sunday afternoon. I understand Three Lions is shutting down Oakland and putting up the big outdoor screen that day. Game starts at 1:00 or 2:00 on Sunday, so maybe a post-noon-swim beer there?

Synchro said...

Tuesday pm
Air temp:80
Water temp:73
A devastatingly magical solo swim for me last evening. To the north I observed countless fingerling salmonids at close range, one of which seemed particularly interested in my zany suit pattern. Further along I attempted to sneak closer to a heron (particularly interested in the zany salmonids) at the water's edge. When I paused at birches, I heard a few calls from a great horned owl (not known for tolerating much zaniness). Back at the beach, there were clues that someone with grey tennis shoes and a pink swim cap (not worn concurrently; that would exceed even the Kru's limit for zaniness) was way off to the south, destination flatrock? Cheers to you, regardless!

Kahuna said...

Liked "devastatingly magical swims."

A definite candidate for a phrase we put on those Kru t-shirts or Kru sweatshirts, that we are going to get around to ordering some day.

Moondaug said...

Yes, there was definetly a magical quality to the swimisphere yestetday afternoon/evening. The silvery gray cloud scape, and the flat yet mystical contours of the waters shimmerd back. Never really saw quite those conditions at that time. The gray shoes were probably mine, and the cap was gumdrop red, not pink. My pink one broke.