Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Klode beach closure PSA

The Public Works Director of Whitefish Bay came personally down to the beach today to tell us the beach will be closed for rest of the day because of construction (but may be open around 4) and also tomorrow, so 

no swimming tomorrow morning at Klode!!

-Atwater is a possibility

Water today was warm and flat, over 70 degrees, slight current from the South.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Gunk on the Thermometer

 Last Swim:  Friday, June 12, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post to suggest a swim time.    
Water temp: 70
Air temp: 64 (est.), chilly little NE breeze, hazy sun
Water Quality/Clarity:  Murky with clear areas
Waves:  A bit of chop here and there
Kru:  Early shift:  Diablo.  Sunny Luna Laguna,  Lt. MJ, Mermaid Princess, Holly, Hollywood, Fin-Fyn, Dragonfly, Magic Mike, another fellow (Gordon?)

Despite the Gunk on the Thermometer as Mary Jo took the temperature, it was arguably the best swim of the season!  We skirted the masses of green moss lining the water's edge and eased in near the south rocks.  The moss was warmer than the sand in the early sun.  If the water started at 70, the further you got from the rocks and out into the lake, the warmer it was.  Several of us were in wetsuits as the air was chill and we had an inkling the swim might turn long.  This was certainly the case for me as I cruised beyond the Cute Chairs,  White Canoe, One-Man Beach, Three Piers, and the Blue Thing.  I know there are Sandbags beyond the Blue Thing, but I may have been too far from shore to identify them.  What I saw seemed to be nondescript rocky shoreline for a couple of hundred yards as I slogged against a developing chop increasingly eastward, as the north arm of the bay curves in.  I turned at 2,000 yards at no particular landmark and felt a friendly push all the way home to Klode.  I later learned that the mythical Crystal Palace was still 500 yards, or about 10 minutes, away by my current speed from my furthest north.  Since that would have added 20 minutes to my total swim, I left it for another day.  But having inched a bit closer to these significant landmarks - Big Bay last week, Crystal Palace this week - my respect for those who have actually achieved these storied sights has only increased.

MJ confronts the gunky thermometer. She noted that the water was "more of a solid," fortunately it re-liquified further out!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish -- Just Add Water!


Last Swim:  Sat., July 20, 2024, noon.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Full Moon Swim:  If you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 
Water temp: 71 at shore per the Sandy-O-Meter; cooler areas (maybe down to the low 60s) in multiple areas during the swim.
Weather: High 70's, mixed sun and clouds.        
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear; 9 of 10.   
Waves:  Riffled.    
Boat Traffic:  Moderate.    
Kru:  WeTac, Hawaii 4.0, Amy, Peaches, Brick, BillyBobber, Sandy (Beach Name "Sandy"), Dragonfly, Mr. A, Forger, Amy-With-A-Duck, Sarah, Bahtiari, Diablo, Kahuna (maybe others, sorry if I missed adding you to the list, if I missed you, leave a comment).

Several members of the Kru took advantage of the pleasant conditions today, and went long, going to Big Bay and Back. 

The above is a picture of my new granddaughter, Gloria.  I went swimming with her in  Lake Michigan last night, but I don't have photographic proof of it, so I'm just posting a picture I took of her this morning.  She liked the Lake and the beach.  When she was born in February, I made sure that she tasted Killepitsch before she tasted mother's milk.

OK, in last Sunday's blog, the Captain had a link to some old 1960 Mountain Dew TV commericials.  After I watched that, I went down the rabbit hole, to the 1960 TV commericial for "Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish."  I embeded a link to the commercail above (and here is the link again, just in case the above embedded video does not work).  If there is an official toy of the Klode Kru, I think it should be "Live Wham-O Instant Fish." 

As I mentioned above, if you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 

Update:  After I posted the above, a relative sent me a picture of Gloria and me at the beach.  Cue The Lion King Song.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A New Day


If you stayed in bed this morning, and didn't go to the beach, your life might well be less than it might otherwise have been.  

Last Swim:  July 15th, 6:00 a.m. 
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: My guess is 68 at the beach, colder by the rocks, but maybe in the 70s as we headed North.  Some substantially colder water was in places, but that was 1 to 2 feet below us, so as long as it stays there, it's all good baby.  [7/16 update: see King Triton's comment about 52 degree water near shore today; be careful how much faith you put in reports from the Atwater off-shore buoy temp graph].       
Weather: High 70's, full sun, headed towards a hot 90 and thunderstorms this afternoon.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear.  10 of 10.   
Waves:  Flat.    
Boat Traffic:  Zero.   
Firsts seen at the Beach: Someone has erected a reasonalby tall wooden flagpole, but neglected to hoist a flag on it.  T'would be a good place for a MKE People's Flag.  
Kru:  Lt. M.J. (a long distance swimmer today), FinFin, newbie Gloria (beach name "Gloriosos"?), Doug, Wimhoffer June, Kahuna, and early shift Aquaman, and Diablo.
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, see "Kru FAQ's" on the right side of this blog, below the pictures.    

As the storm clouds magestically progressed there way to the East, the Sun rose above the horizon, and our intrepid little group of sleepy-eyed swimmers made our winding way down to the beach.  

We were met with the glory that is Lake Michigan, on a beautiful summers day.

We introduced ourselves to young Gloria from New Berlin, who had decided to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan today, after reading the blog.  Gloria boldly and bravely stated her purpose: I'm going to learn how to swim open water well, because I'm going to do the Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon next year.  Good on ya, and good luck in your training (and yes, you should get a wetsuit).  Welcome Gloria, and we hope to see you back on the da beach soon.  

Had a nice talk too with Doug (who I don't think I've met, even though his wife June is a regular wimhoffer dunker at Klode year round).  Doug is getting ready to do a 1.2 mile swim as part of a triathlon relay with his son in Maine in a week or so.  Good luck Doug!  

Watch the forecast if you are thinking about swimming this evening, as some thunderstorms are predicted to roll through Milwaukee this evening.  

"Bye bye, gotta go swim now!"

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The evolution of a nickname ....meet BillyBobber

Captn's log Sunday July 14th, 2024 - noon
(note:  THE original & one and only...)

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post if you'd like to suggest a swim time.)     

Water temp: 73 with slightly cooler pockets offshore
Air temp: Upper 80's and sunny
Water Quality/Clarity:  crystal clear
Waves:  flat to slightly rippled with light current from north
Kru:  Itch, Diablo, Brick, Sandy, Mr. Anonymous, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Dragonfly, Kim, Bakhtiari, Peter, Gigi, BillyBobber and Capt'n with Sea Support from Wet Taco

Ah...the evolution of a nickname.  What a fun topic!  There's a story behind every one of them.  Today's blog post is about the evolution of one.  Now it doesn't happen often.  While some nicknames stick immediately and never change, others take years to stick with "get & forget" names occurring along the journey.  Very few actually are so rich in history that the original nick name remains while it takes on a whole new persona during their Kru-ventures. 

Rather than spoil the story associated with today's evolutionary nickname... I'll provide a few clues here and leave the story tellin' fer another time... preferably with a pint glass or shot of Pitsch in hand!

Remember this classic commercial?  Video Link

Welcome to Milwaukee, Lake Michigan, and Lake Michigan Open Water Swimming

If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, welcome to The Good Land!  

Aboove is the Milwaukee People's Flag.  It shows the sun rising over Lake Michigan, symbolizing Milwaukeans' optimism in the promise of a new day. 

We are the Lake Michigan Swimmers, a Milwaukee-based group of Lake Michigan open water swimmers. 

Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach (in Whitefish Bay, just north of downtown Milwaukee), and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have any questions, see "Kru FAQ's" on the right side of this blog, below the pictures.    

Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Swim Forecast for the Week of July 14th:  The forecast for swimming this week in Lake Michigan is an excellent one. We have recently been experiencing high water temperatures (in the low to mid 70s), and the expectation is that those temperatures will continue this week. With those temps, most folks do not want or need a wetsuit.  (Note, a forecast is not a guarantee; the Lake, she be highly fickle).

If you have any questions about swimming with us that are not answered in the below-linked-to "Kru FAQ" document, post your questions in the comments section of the blog, and it is probable that one of us will get back to you promptly.  

Hope to see you on da beech!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Unprecedented Photo Phrolic!


(Not Your Captain's Log)

Last Swim:  Friday, June 12, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post if you'd like to suggest a swim time.)     
Water temp: 69.4 per the Tattooed Lady  
Air temp: Low 70s, Bright sun, sneaky little breeze from the NE
Water Quality/Clarity:  On the murky side, but "you can't have everything," Fin-Fyn said
Waves:  Small ripples
Kru:  Cindy, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Holly, Hollywood, A la Mode, Michelle, Svetlana,
Dragonfly, Moondaug, Steve from Chicago

As I drove over the Hoan, a tug headed out through the pearlescence toward the harbor gap to meet a dawn-lit freighter (I think I have shared in the past my dream of an alternate life as a tugboat captain.)

At Klode, all was flat, peaceful and serene.  A gentle NE breeze pushed up a few ripples.  Clarity left something to be desired, but all else was so gratifying as we launched North, skin, into the unfrigid waters.  It was tolerable until at about Rock Wall, when we hit what felt like a wall of bathwater--like 85 degrees from an invisible thermal--that was absolutely balmy.  Very strange.  This was followed by a sub-70 cold patch, and the swim proceeded like this through "stripes" of hot and cold.  Despite the bath pockets, my upper arms felt cold, and though I saw the buoys bobbing away invitingly toward Three Piers, I decided I would not follow.

A bit of FOMO when later they returned with these IN LAKE photos taken on a sandbar just off Three Piers.  Steve from Chicago had carried a Go Pro in the front of his wetsuit! l-r, first pic: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Moondaug, Holly, Svetlana, Cindy, Michelle, Lt. MJ)

l-r second pic:  Moondaug, Cindy, Holly, Svetlana, Lt. MJ, Michelle, Steve from Chicago

Thanks, Steve, for upping our Klode Kru swim documentation game!  You'll have to come back when we go south to Flat Rock!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Seventy-Freaking-Four Degrees

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)
Last Swim:  July 11h, 5:30 pm 
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: 74 degrees per the Triton-o-Meter       
Weather: High 70's, full sun.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear at shore, not so much further out. 
Waves:  Just a bit of riffle.   
Boat Traffic: Just one big ole cruise ship way out there.  
Firsts at the Beach: A humming bird fliting its way about.
Navigation Hazards Temporarily Remedied: One large floating tree trunk pushed up onto the beach
Kru:  King Triton, We'Tac, Kahuna.
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, see "Kru FAQ's" on the right side of this blog, below the pictures.    

Seventy-four degrees folks.  Not a frequent occurence.  Get it while the getting's good.  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hawaiian Luau

           Lion King:  Timon and Pumba Dance the Hula.

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)

Last Swim:  July 7th, noon 
Upcoming Group Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: 69 degrees.  (But still, do not put all your trust in the buoy as to at-the-beach water temps.)         
Air temp/skies: High 70's, mostly cloudy.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clearish.   
Waves:  Chop, chop. 
Current: Strongish current from the south.   
Boat Traffic: None. 
Kru:  LTTL , Sandy (Beachname "Sandy"), Brick, Bobber, Cali-Kat, Diablo, Hollywood, Fin Fin, Itch (a/k/a King Triton), Capt’n, Bakhtiari, Kahuna (if I missed someone, let me know). 
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with our intrepid little group.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, in the right column, below the pictures, click on "Kru FAQs."     

As we all know, on July 7, 1898 President William McKinley signed the Newlands Resolution, which annexed Hawaii as a territory of the United States.  But, IMHO, all those folks in Hawaii didn't have a better swim today, than members of the Kru did.   Distance was swam, Killepitsch was poured.  

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Fourth of July (Part II)

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)
Last Swim:  July 4th, 10:00 a.m. 
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: 59 degrees measured near to shore.  A bitwarmer (64?) further away from shore.  Do not trust the buoy as to at-the-beach water temps.         
Air temp: High 70's, cloudy.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear at shore, not so much further out. 
Waves:  Flat.   
Boat Traffic: Lots of it, and lots of it close to shore.
Kru:  Super Hera, Bradley, Michelle-from-Chicago (not that one), Peaches, Moondaug, Sonakahuna, Kahuna.  Late arrival by Mike and another guy who’s name I can’t remember.
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, post those in the comments section of the blog.   

I nice patriotic pirate swim out to the shipwreck. Sonakahuna dived down the buoy rope, and claims he saw the wreck.  Most of the rest of it failed to see it. Post swim, Killepitsch poured and the nation toasted.    

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fourth of July

 Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)

Last Swim:  July 3rd, noon
July 4th Swim:  ATWATER BEACH, at 10:00 a.m.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: Cold.  Estimated temperature very low 50's, maybe even high 40's.  Some fingers of warmer, and some fingers of cold.  Do not trust the buoy.         
Air temp: High 70's headed into the 90's today.  Sunny with some whispy clouds.     
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clearish. 
Waves:  Flat mostly, with a current from the South.  
Kru:  Kahuna and Sonakahuna

Klode Beach is closed on the 4th.  Atwater Beach will be open in the morning.  If interested, come to Atwater Beach at 10:00 a.m., and we'll have a nice swim out to the shipwreck.  I'm predicting clear water, and cold water.