Saturday, June 26, 2021

Sausage Fest

Next Swims:
Sun 8am and noon
Mon - Fri 6 am and 5pm

Last Swim: noon Saturday 
Water Temp: 52
Air Temp: 70-ish, overcast, some significant fog
Clarity: clearish
Waves: pretty calm
Kru: Brick, Itch, Mad Dan, Adam the Appleman, Kahuna
Shore Support:  Mad Dan's compadre Janelle (I hope I have that name right).  

The church bells struck noon as the Kru assembled slowly in the parking lot.  Who goes there?  There's Itch,  there's Brick, and a new face Dan (an avuncular smiling face from Madison, with a diminutive compadre), and Adam (here for his third swim).  No women?  When was the last time I've been down to the beach and there were no women?  As we headed down, there was drizzle, and a bit of a fog over the lake (suggesting colder water).  The fog does not lie.  Itch calls out "52" as we suit up, except for Mad Dan, who has come wetsuitless.  We head South, with the Lake deciding to spit Mad Dan back onto shore like a watermelon pip.  Itch, Adam and Brick go long (almost an hour?), and Kahuna less.  After not going very far, the rocks of Klode were quickly obscured by the fog.  There are a couple of times when your correspondent pops his head out of the water, looks around and thinks "hmmm, I should probably swim a wwwweeee bit closer to shore, lest I see the shore no more."  As Adam comes out of the water after his return, he describes his swim without any irony as almost a religious experience.  I think the Kru has hooked Adam, and I hope Dan will come back again (either with a wetsuit or to be met by warmer water), and swim with us again.  Adam is a good enough man to have brought a six pack, which he is willing to share.   



Bikes matter said...

Hurray, the buoy is back, but it's not giving the water temp (wtf!). For those unaware, u can text the buoy at 1-866-218-9973. Type 45013 in the text box, hit send, and you'll have all the current conditions except the most important one. Maybe it has told its last lie.

Adam Clarke said...

Can I get a confirmed distance to Love Rock? Trying to determine how far I swam during Saturday’s religious experience.

jamie said...

.9236554666 miles or .MCMXLLVII miles( religious)

Kahuna said...

Actually, the Romans didn't use decimal points. For amounts that are a fraction of one, they had a system based on 12ths. To express ¾, they would write that as "S…" with the 3 dots expressing three 12ths less than a whole. The 12ths system used by the Romans influenced the way we express time (using a 12 hour system instead of some 10 unit based system), and how the Brits used to value their coins (12 pence to a shilling).

Tattoo Lady said...

Actually, it's the graph that's not working- you can check the buoy temps here:

Lieutenant MJ said...

Thanks for the buoy info! FYI - this morning was somewhere between 48-50 - but so clear and calm. Great swim if you had the gear.

Wytosk said...

For those with no faith or patience or curiosity (apparently me) all you need to do is look here. Forget the dumb graph. THANK YOU! 62 and rising :) :)

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

I would say 600 yards to Love Rock