Saturday, June 5, 2021

Come for a swim, get an iPhone.

Water temp: 52
Air temp: 70 
Clarity: Can see your shadow
Crew: Show Girl, Dragonfly Riffraff, Handy Man Hank, Moondaug, Jenny
Shore support: Squeeze of showgirl 
Last swim: 8 am
Next swims: Noon and 8 am Sat.and Sun.

Great morning for a swim. It was a magnificently beautiful mid morning bright sky with smeared clouds, along with crystal clear and nicely textured water with a slight north swell. Even the sandy bottom ripples were aligned perfectly to keep one swimming in the right direction. As an added bonus, Handy Man Hank retrieved an abandoned and submerged iphone (still operating!) from just outside the rocks. Fish with iphones, what could they be doing?


Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Swimming south could smell the many blooming plants and trees...a true feast for the senses!

Bikes matter said...

I even found the owner. While attempting to email the only clue on the locked screen, a video call came up from one of her friends and soon the phone that was submerged 5 feet under water was returned. I guess the premium you pay for an Iphone is worth it.

Showgirl said...

Wow! Nice work returning the phone, Hank. Did they say how long it was submerged?

Also, Jenny is missing from the list of swimmers.

Lieutenant MJ said...

I was going to assume the phone belonged to a modern day "Mr Limpet" but alas you found the real owner.

jennythorpedo said...

Lol- I’m the remind me again please 😂.
Thanks for the great swim this am!

jennythorpedo said...

Lol- I’m the remind me again please 😂.
Thanks for the great swim this am!

jennythorpedo said...

Lol- I’m the remind me again please 😂.
Thanks for the great swim this am!

Moondaug said...

Good job at cracking the case of the submerged iPhone, but did you find out how it got in the drink to begin with?