Monday, May 31, 2021

Anybody find a pair of sleeves?

 After Monday's noon swim, I got home and realized I didn't have my sleeves in my gear. Went back to Klode an hour later and there was no sign of any sleeves there. Wondering if anyone picked them up thinking to get them back to their rightful owner. Lemme know if you have 'em. Or if you're a regular morning swimmer and planning go swim in the morning, I'll be there.



Showgirl said...

I have your sleeves!

Kahuna said...
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Kahuna said...

Today, June 2, 2021, is Johnny Weissmueller's 117th birthday. An immigrant to the United States at a very young age, he spent most of his childhood in Chicago, where he learned how to swim in Lake Michigan. Weissmuller went on to set numerous swimming world records and won 5 Olympic gold medals. Once he retired from competitive swimming, he went on to become cast as the iconic movie Tarzan of the 1930s and 40s.

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

I did not know Weissmueller grew up in Chicago!

Dragonfly Riffraff said...
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