Friday, May 21, 2021


(Probable) Next Swims: 

Mon - Fri 6 am? and afternoons at 4 pm?
Sat/Sun 8am and noon

Last Swim: Friday 6am
Water Temp: 48 per the duck
Air Temp: 70-ish at the top of the hill, much cooler lakeside
Clarity: pretty great
Waves: small swells out of the south
Kru: Lydia the TTL, Dragonfly, Mr. Bubble, Mr. Anonymous, Luna Laguna, IceMoonDawg, Lt MJ, Rachel, Showgirl, Mermaid Princess
Shore Support: Linda the Lamprey

The 2021 swim season is beginning with its usual fits and starts.  After weeks of 2-3 morning swimmers 1-2 times a week, we had a crowd today. (Yes, there are also PM swims, but I never go to those, so I can't really attest to what's happening then.)

It was the usual herding cats this morning.  Most swam south into the current, and a few peeps swam north.  I did a bit of both.

I have posted some theoretical swim times above.  If you show up and no one is there to swim with you, please click the "Contact Us" link, and we will address your concerns with our usual expediency.

To further entice you into the water, there are a number of new landmarks along the shore.  Some are permanent-- a new staircase south of Love Rock.  Some are temporary: white surfboard north of the garage.  All provide added interest to the swim, and important topics to chat about.

In related swimming news:  our very own Linda the Lamprey will be doing this North Dakota river swim for the second time in a few weeks:

Swim on, my people.