Sunday, December 29, 2024

2025 Polar Plunge at noon New Year's Day, and today... it was a nice day for a walk

Last Swim:  Sunday 12/29, 8am, (plus others, undoubtedly)

Next Swims:  Noon New Year's Day-- the Klode Kru official polar plunge
Water temp: So. Very. Cold.  (We had no thermometer.)
Air Temp:  39F and breezy out of the north
Water Quality:  annoying chop
Clarity: murky
Kru:  Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin,  Holly, Marian the Librarian, Showgirl
Shore Support:  none, though three WimHoffers were there when we arrived

Hi Friends - We will do our own, low-key polar plunge at noon on Wednesday, as usual, AT KLODE. (where else??)  The current forecast looks chilly/windy but also sunny.

Some of us decided to squeeze in a first and last December swim this morning.  Conditions were less than ideal, but for December, they were pretty good.

Fyn-Fin's triumphant exit from the water.

The power of the group compelled five of us to suit up and get in the water.  It did not, however, compel us to begin swimming right away.  

In case you haven't experienced Klode in a while, the water is so shallow that you can pretty much walk to any swimming destination you wish to visit.

And thus, the swimming to walking ratio this morning  was about 60-40.  Maybe 70-30.  Maybe 50-50.  Who knows.

Post-swim, happy to be warm(ish) and dry.

But we did eventually swim north to the sewer pipe, and Lt MJ and Fyn-Fyn went further. Badasses.  It was a slow start though.

It was probably a blessing that we didn't have a thermometer.  A quick search suggests that the water is in the mid 30's.  

See you Wednesday.  Brings treats.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Compulsory Zen

Last Swim:  Wednesday 8am, (plus many others that go unblogged because blogging can be a pita, but also if a tree falls...?)

Next Swims:  M-F really, who knows?  Because we've kind of fallen off the edge of the earth, swim-wise, yet here we are.  Thanks climate change.
                            Sat. & Sun.  noon (usually)        
                            (Not sure about the m-f 5:30 pm situation)
                            (Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 48f
Air Temp:  low 40's, getting breezy
Water Quality:  flat as glass
Clarity: clear near shore, murky further out
Kru:  Lt. MJ, Showgirl
Shore Support:  none, though the WimHoffers were there earlier and the workmen continue to work on the... see below

Photo credit: Mermaid Princess

Table of Contents
Chapter 1.  I will if you will
Chapter 2. Showgirl looses her voice
Chapter 3. Zen swimming
Chapter 4. The real reason for religious orders vow of silence
Chapter 5. The real reason the lake level is lower.
Chapter 6. You might need a $100 changing robe
Chapter 7. Sunday swim recap
Chapter 8. Being thankful

Chapter 1.  I will if you will
Lt. MJ, who missed Sunday's AMAZING (after it was done) noon swim, was growing concerned that she might not squeeze in a November swim.  There are people, many people, who wish to log at least one swim per month.  There are others (me) who avoid unnecessary suffering and often skip the brutal months of sub-50F swims.  But I digress.  Anyway, in an, "I will if you will" moment, we agreed to meet at the beach.

Chapter 2. Showgirl looses her voice
But prior to these swim plans, I contracted a weird cold (no, not covid) and subsequently lost my voice.  Today is day three of no talking. I hope that one day soon I will talk again.

Photo credit: me, obviously

Chapter 3. Zen swimming
So it turns out that an involuntary vow of silence might lead to more calm peaceful experiences.  It would certainly cut back on those, "gee I wish I hadn't said that," and "gee I wish that person would STFU," moments.  It also causes you to get your wetsuit, booties, gloves, buoy, caps, goggles and whatever ELSE is in your pre-swim ritual (that only gets longer and more complicated with each drop in temperature) onto your body way way faster if nobody is chit-chatting.

After the swim, we were quite speedy in getting dressed and up the hill.  And due to the stunning lack of conversation, we went our separate ways.  The entire outing took about an hour and 2o.

Lt. MJ's perception of the swim was all beauty, peace, and zen.  My perception was that I had a lot of trivial sh*t to say and no way to say it.

Chapter 4. The real reason for religious orders vow of silence
Because of this, it occurred to me that religious orders with vows of silence really exist in order to squeeze more work, and thus profitability, out of the nuns/monks.

These are the thoughts you have room for when you're not running your mouth.

Chapter 5. The real reason the lake level is lower.
If you've been to Klode recently, you may have noticed that there is a hive of activity at that mysterious mid-level structure.  Our own Mermaid Princess has gotten to the bottom of that.  Apparently, embedded in the hill is a pump that sucks in water for Whitefish Bay's fire hydrants.

Photo Credit: Lt. MJ-- So. Much. Beach.

Chapter 6. You might need a $100 changing robe
Maybe it's the WimHoffers.  Maybe it's the uptick in open water swimming due to the pandemic.  All to say, there's a preponderance of $150+ changing parkas on the market that are all on sale now. I suspect this is because people who engage in a sport that requires no actual equipment are inherently cheap.

Chapter 7. Sunday swim recap
Noon swim last Sunday, water was 46 and wavy, air was balmy low 50's, swimmers were Marion the Librarian, Lydia the TTL, Showgirl, Dragonfly (freaking skin swim!), Luna Laguna, Laguna Mike, Spawn o' Lagunas.  Itch, we missed you.

Chapter 8. Being thankful
Likely there will be a Thanksgiving swim, details TBD.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

If you still had your armpits....

 Last Swim:  Wednesday 6:15am 

Next Swims:  M-F 6:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Not sure about the 5:30 pm situation)
(Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 50....yes, 50!!!
Air Temp:  64
Surf Report:  Some waves, SW breeze blowing our towels around on the beach.
Clarity:  Too cold to notice
Kru:  Lydia the Tattoo'd Lady, Fin-Fyn Klodecky, Lt. MJ, Showgirl, Dragonfly
Shore Support:  A La Mode, Wim Hofers

This was not even close to a sunrise swim...pre-dawn, with the sky lightening ever so gradually in spectacular colors to the east.

TTL announced the temperature, and immediately people began to gear up more slowly, rearranging items on their blankets, anything to the avoid the actual moment of submersion.

Discussion began with a generational divide, with Lt. MJ referencing Mister Magoo and Fin-Fyn stating "I don't even know what that is."  The rest of us reminisced about Mr. Magoo's blythe myopia which led him on adventures such as driving into a gladiator pit of lions, being launched in a moon rocket, and confronting his own mortality in A Christmas Carol.  

But the great thing about being Mr. Magoo, is that everything works out in the end.  

Lt. MJ shared this helpful link:  “ ” 

Swims were pretty conversative and centered around the rocks, with no one wanting to go too far in the darkness "in case they had a heart attack."  Even TTL's adventure light, which flashed like a strobe in her buoy, was only intermittently visible.

"I'm just here for the waves and the sunset," said TTL.

The water was startingly cold, but brought on a sense of euphoria once you recovered from the shock.

Fin-Fyn, in skin with sleeves, gloves and booties, scored 1,000 yards!  "I was thinking about the science," she said as we shivered back into our shore clothes, "like how can you be standing in a swimsuit in 50-degree air, and its fine, but 50 degree water is devastating."

"But at least you would still have your armpits," said Showgirl in one of those logic leaps attributable at least in part to hypothermia.  Oddly, we all seemed to understand what she meant.

Fin-Fyn Klodecky, Dragonfly, Lt. MJ, Showgirl, TTL Goofy post-swim Magoo-grins.

A lone Wim Hofer and fiery sky captured by TTL

Friday, October 18, 2024

Forgetful Full Moon Friday

Last Swim:  Friday 6:15am (and many many others that go unblogged because.... reasons)

Next Swims:  M-F 6:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Not sure about the 5:30 pm situation)
(Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 57f
Air Temp:  low 40's
Water Quality/Clarity:  Pretty amazingly clear with small waves out of the south
Kru:  Lydia the Tattoo'd Lady, Dragonfly, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Luna Laguna, Showgirl
Shore Support:  AlaMode, Magic Mike

She matched the sky.  And also had no socks.

Today was a classic example of how you can never predict the greatness of a swim based on all the pre-swimming grumbling and profanity.

So. Much. Profanity.

Also... everyone seemed to forget something.  Fortunately, other swimmers were mostly able to provide the missing item. I forgot my entire bag of post-swim clothes.  Luna Laguna forgot her swim socks, and miraculously, TTL's teeny-tiny neoprene socks saved the day for her.  

I forget what all everyone forgot, but every few moments someone said the words, "I forgot my.... mind, patience, filter, whatever."

We had also clearly checked our tolerance and sweet dispositions at the door, so any verbal mis-step was immediately called out.

Meanwhile, we put on varying layers of neoprene and predicted varying swim distances.

The little waves were out of the south, and so we decided to swim that way.  Again, there was fairly continuous grumbling as we got in the water and began swimming.

That must have been when the magic began.

The moon.  Did I mention the moon?  It's was an enormous, bright, super moon. The Hunter's Moon, according to MJ.  

Photo credit: Showgirl

It was amazing-- peeking brightly over the trees, following us for the entire swim.  And then along came the sun--also beautiful.

So most of us wore some level of wetsuit.  Luna Laguna and Fyn-Fin wore only the neoprene accessories (socks, sleeves, maybe gloves).  Post swim Fyn-Fin said something like, "I couldn't tell if I was swimming through warmer water or if I was dying."

All to say, it was a shockingly great swim.

Photo credit: Lt. MJ

And finally, because every day at the beach has some bit of weirdness, Ala pointed out that scattered all over the beach were shells.  Not the zebra mussel shells that we're used to, but ocean-y shells that previously housed some type of sea creature.  Yet here, at Klode.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Beach Hazard or.... Time for a Frolic? You decide.

 Last Swim:  Tuesday 6:15am (and many many others that go unrecorded because.... reasons)

Next Swims:  M-F 6:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  
(AM swim times are drifting later.  Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 69?
Weather: Rainy, breezy, cool
Water Quality/Clarity:  Biggish breaking waves, lots of gunk
Kru:  Ala Mode, Lydia the Tattoo'd Lady, Mermaid Princess, Showgirl
Shore Support:  nope

Not much swimming took place, but there was a lot of jumping, body surfing, and frolicking in the waves, all while it continued to rain.

Photo credit: Ala

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Swimming in the Ottoman Empire

Last Swim:  Thursday 6 a.m.

Next Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  
(That said, 6am swims are getting pretty dark, so that will drift later.  Blog comments may have other swims)    
Water temp: 69?
Weather: Air temp high 50's with a breeze            
Water Quality/Clarity:  crystal clear with slow small swells out of the south.  Pretty much perfect.
Kru:  Ala Mode, Lt. MJ, Showgirl, FlipperGuy, Linda the Lamprey (early)  
Shore Support:  the aggressive seagull continues to try to join the Kru.

It was a small crew this morning.  This happens every year after the brief influx of triathletes comes and goes, daylight shrinks, and temps drop.

We shivered a bit, and decided to go south, if only to see some different stuff.  To say that enthusiasm was low is an understatement.

Anyway, we launched, and arrived at Love Rock.  I was making all sorts of mental calculations about how much farther to go when MJ said, "lets go to that next dark spot."   It turns out that dark spot was kind of an optical illusion, so we swam to the next-next dark spot, and turned around.

Sometime during that reluctant swim, the sun rose, and it became one of the best, most beautiful swims in recent days.  We arrived back in the neighborhood of Klode, not quite ready to get out.  So we swam to sewer pipe.  The water was so clear that the sand below stretches out like a secret place.

Photo Credit: Ala Mode

And what about the Ottoman Empire?  For the last few weeks, a giant, waterlogged ottoman has been washed up in the area north of Mt. Jackass and mudslide.  Like us, the ottoman must have been wishing for a change of scenery, because today it's near the sewer pipe.  Where will it go next?  Only time will tell.

Friday, September 6, 2024


Dragonfly celebrates the new dawn, the awesome lake, and her new phone. 

Last Swim:  Friday, Sept. 6, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    
Water temp: Seventy something.
Weather: Air temp in the low 50s at sunrise, with a cool breeze whipping off the Lake.            
Water Quality/Clarity:  All rialed up.      
Waves:  Big water.  
Kru:  Finfin Klodecky, Mermaid Princess, Showgirl, Mr. Anonymous, Dragonfly, Aquaman, Ben "I don't see people" Boston, Magic Mike? 
SHORE SUPPORT +PLUS:  Lots and lots of "Senior Sunrise" teenagers.

The water was big enough today that some folks decided just to body surf, and some folks decided it doesn't make sense to go out between the rocks (instead deciding to go in and out from South Beach).  A lot of energy in the Lake this morning.  Well away from the rocks, there was times when it was very much a "two story, split level, lake." Some of us got all the way to downspot, Finfin made it to garage.  One more picture from this morning:

Good luck to all who are racing this weekend!  

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Special - New Nickname + New Landmark!!

Capt'ns log Sunday September 1st - 2024

Me Last Swim: Monday 9/2 - Noon

Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water Temps: (per itch-mometer) 74ish 
Weather: 70's & Sunny
Water Quality / Clarity:  Cloudy near shore / clearer further out
Waves:  <1ft 
Kru:  Itch, Brick, Sandy, Magic Mike, Wet Taco, Ala Mode, Mr. Bubbles, Carl, Billy Bobber, Klodecky, Tattooed Lady, Peaches, Luna Lagoona, Kahuna, Mr. Anonymous, Capt'n with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named 

Another sensational day for a swim!  Highlighting today's swim were two official proclamations...
  • "Fin-Fyn shall also henceforth be known as 'Klodecky'.... so it has been said and so shall it be!"  <see picture for clues on the story behind the nickname>
  • "The submerged wooden pole by the Great Mansion Wall shall be known as 'Cobra-Kai' it has been witnessed and so shall it be!" <see picture for clues on the story behind the name>
Meet Klodecky

Swim Landmark - 'Cobra-Kai'
Labor Day Kru
(Left - Right: Capt'n, Wet Taco, Tattooed Lady, Billy Bobber, Klodecky, Ala Mode, Kahuna, Magic Mike, Mr. Bubbles, Mr. Anonymous, Peaches, Luna Lagoona, Diablo, Itch)

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Not that big...not nearly as ferocious...

 Capt'ns log Sunday September 1st - 2024

Me Last Swim: Sunday 9/1 - Noon

Me Next Swim: Monday 9/2 - Noon
Other Swims after Labor Day: The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  T-F 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water Temps: (per itch-mometer) 74ish 
Weather: 70's & Sunny
Water Quality / Clarity:  Cloudy near shore / clearer further out
Waves:  1-2ft.... not nearly as ferocious as forecasted
Kru:  Itch, Luna Lagoona (a.k.a. Lunatic, Garden Party), Ziggy, Kahuna, Kunu, Capt'n with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named & Ziggy

They say you learn something new every day.  What I learned today...
  • Luna Lagoona goes by many names... while Itch rattled of  a very impressive list with associated short stories of how they came to be... my favorites were Lunatic and Garden Party.
  • We're not alone Mateys!  Fox Point has a beach club...complete with a private beach, beach house and a crew of swimmers.  Arrg, I think we might want to introduce ourselves...a beach house sure would be nice for those winter swims.
  • Kunu = Chuck in Hawaiian  (Welcome to our newest nicknamed swimmer!) 
  • Just because a swim buoy (a.k.a. "a Barbie") doesn't inflate it doesn't mean it has a hole in it.  Just sayin'. 
  • When the forecast calls for 3-5ft waves it's not always right.  ( maybe I already knew forecasts aren't always right...) 
  • (...this from a very reliable source...) men should eat 3 Brazil Nuts a day to maintain their testosterone levels 
More Pictorial Highlights from Fiesta Friday

Pictorial Highlights from Sunday's 'rock-n-roll' Swim

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sensational Start to Labor Day Weekend Swims

 Capt'ns log Saturday August 31st - 2024

Me Last Swims
    Fiesta Friday Swim 8/30 5pm
    Saturday 8/31 - noon 

Me Next Swims: Sunday 9/1 - noon & Monday 9/2 - Noon
(note:...regular 8am & 6am swims are likely also to occur...)

Water Temps: (per itch-mometer) 74ish both days
Weather: 70's & Sunny Friday / 80's & Sunny Saturday
Water Quality / Clarity:  Crystal  Clear
Waves:  Amazingly flat with very slight current from north
   Friday: Itch, Luna Lagoona, Ziggy, Syncro, Diablo, Wet Taco, Kahuna, Capt'n with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named
    Saturday: Itch, Syncro, Diablo, Brick, Ziggy, Wet Taco, Peaches (a.k.a. O'Rando Boom), Mr. Bubbles, Billy Bobber, Bakhtiari, Capt'n

Ahoy Mates!  If ya haven't been to Klode fer awhile you've been missin' out on some of the best swimmin' conditions...ever!  Not only have we been spoiled with water temps consistently above 70, we're also having a remarkable stretch of flat water conditions...fer our PM swims!  Rumor has it tho, that if ya like a little rock-n-roll fer your swim conditions, ya may be in luck Sunday.  I'm plannin' ta come out both Sunday n Monday at Noon...hope to see ya on the beach!

In case ya missed it... here are a few snaps from some of our August Klode Kru adventures...

8/30 Fiesta Friday Highlights

Saturday's 8/31 Search for a Ripple in the Lake

8/18 Post Swim Rehydration at the Estabrook Bier Garten 

8/4 Klode Kru does Das Fest Adventure

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kahuna Kafe Kaptivates Klode Krowd

 Last Swim:  Friday, Aug. 22, 6 a.m.

 Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water temp: 70.7 per Lydia the Tattooed Lady
Weather: Low 60s at sunrise, slightest zephyr from the SE          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  Flat, amazing, near-perfect
Kru:  Captain, Mr. Anonymous, Magic Mike, Danny, Ziggy, Cindy, Lt. MJ, Michelle, Showgirl, Tattooed Lady, Sunny Luna Laguna, Fin-Fyn, Hollywood, A la Mode, Michelle's friend (Svetlana?) Dragonfly, sorry if I missed anyone!
SHORE SUPPORT +PLUS:  Kahuna providing waterside cafe service, as well as beach-side coffee and Kringle

Pre-cafe swimmers saluting the sunrise. Photo by A la Mode.

Ahoy! What a welcome sight! Kahuna rolling down to the beach lugging a crate of goodies.  All enthusiastically joined him in celebrating 11 years in business with his own law firm - including never missing a payroll!  This day marked the 10th annual Kahuna cafe.  The cafe typically takes place on August 15, but was postponed this year because of bad weather,  and thus took advantage of near-ideal conditions:  Caressingly warm, flat water with only the slightest of SE breeze and current on the way back--which did manage to chill my arms on every stroke.

As each swimmer churned to shore, the great Kahuna himself stepped out to into thigh-deep water to greet them, cafetiere and cup at the ready, ready to fuel everyone up with freshly-brewed java juice.  As you made your way to shore, you could stop at the rocks on the south side of the iron barrier for more hot brew, a choice of lighteners including cream or half-and-half, and a delicious slice of cherry Kringle. 

Truly, one could get used to this!

Here's to many more years of success, Kahuna, active and responsible citizen of village, state, nation and globe - stalwart upholder of Klode Kru lore and tradition -  both on and off the beach!! 

Thank you again for so generously inviting us all to caffeinate and celebrate with you!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Klode Kru Mermaids Swim to the Moon in Hell!

Swim:  Swim to the Moon Open Water Swim Festival, Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18,

Hiland chain of lakes (Patterson Lake, Round Lake, Watson Lake and Half Moon Lake) near Hell, Michigan

Water temp: High 70s - HOT! - (what do you expect in Hell?)

Weather: Mostly cloudy, gray and drizzling        
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear, some weeds but not too bad
Waves:  Mostly very flat, a few ripples and tiny bit of intermittant chop in Half Moon Lake
Kru:  Showgirl, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Fin-Fyn, Holly, Marion the Librarian, Dragonfly
Shore Support:  Dragonfly (Saturday) Mr. Dragonfly (Sunday); Showgirl and TTL volunteered handing out finish awards on Sunday

The Klode Kru Mermaids represented in a big way at the 2024 Swim to the Moon in multiple events (all places are in age groups.)  

On Saturday Fin-Fyn and Lydia the Tattooed Lady each placed 4th in the 10k - TTL's first 10K swim!  Fin-Fyn returned Sunday to claim 2nd in the 5k. Holly also swam the 10k on Saturday, and on Sunday won the 1.2 mile ("I just kept swimming past slow people," she explained.)  

Also Sunday, Dragonfly placed 2nd in the 5k--her first 5k! Showgirl made a triumphant return to swimming after major joint replacement surgery with Saturday's 1-mile swim.

Showgirl captures 10k start.

One of Fin-Fyn's highlights was at the 10k turnaround - participants were required to exit the water and cross the timing pad at the 5k half-way point.  Here, they also had access to refueling food and beverages, plus whatever they had packed in their individual "special needs" bags (event term, not mine.)  Fin-Fyn was astonished to see a woman at this halfway point actually putting ON a wetsuit!!  For us Klode Kru, as I mentioned, the water was already nearly uncomfortably warm)

In its 15th year, Swim to the Moon drew participants from as far away as California.  The renowned Marathon Butterflier John Batchelder swam the event's inaugural 15k ALL FLY.  (What struck me most was his happy grin at the end - he did not even look tired!)

l-r:  Fin-Fyn, Tattooed Lady, Dragonfly, Holly, Showgirl.  Someone forgot the Killepitsch but we managed a few celebratory beverages

Showgirl and Amelia volunteering at the finish:

Although the event organizers encouaged emoting at the finish for the express purpose of photo opps to promote future Swim to the Moon and other Epic events, this moment seemed a little beyond Showgirl and TTL's expectations....

Fin-Fyn shows off a prized Swim to the Moon backpack award while TTL samples some post-race pancakes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Klode Kafé Slated to Return

FYI, Klode KafĂ© (a/k/a "Kahuna KafĂ©" or "Kahoonapalooza") will return this Thursday, August 22nd.  Have a nice morning swim, then have a nice cup of coffee.  Please spread the word.  Hope to see you on the beach.  --  Sandie    

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Das Fest Outing Sunday... cuz Das water unt Vonderful!

 Captn's Log Saturday August 3rd, 2024 - Noon

Last Swim:  Saturday, Aug. 3rd, Noon
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water temp: In the mid-upper 70's per me toe-mometer 
Weather: 85 & abundant Sunshine          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  light chop/current from the north
Kru:  Diablo, Kahuna, Mr. Anonymous, Ziggy, Billy-Bobber, Capt'n and sightings of Magic Mike and Eric(?) with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named

**LATE BREAKING SOCIAL OUTING NEWS** - Following Sunday's (8/4) Noon swim at Klode, join us for a round of grog (...or two...) at Das Fest!  Das Fest is going on this weekend at the Bavarian Inn Bier Garten.  As das vater conditions are vonderful at Klode, vy not join us to celebrate, ja!    

 (**side note:  "The Alex Meixner Band" taking the Main Stage at 4pm is perhaps the best German Oompa-pa-pa band I've ever heard...bring family, friends and your favorite stein to join in on the fun!**)

Here are a few snaps and video from Ziggy and Captn's Das Fest adventure from Friday...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's All Rainbows & Unicorns at the Beach!


Last Swim:  Thursday, Aug. 1st, 6:00 a.m.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Water temp: In the 70's per my toethrometer. 
Weather: Air in the 70's, with a bit of haze on the horizon (which made it nice, not having to look into full sun), and some interesting fog banks moving up the bluff several places south of Klode.          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  Flat as a pancake run over by a steamroller operated by a really fat guy
Kru:  Diablo, Lt. MJ, Cindy, Magic Mike, Two Unknown Swimming Females, Assorted Teenagers, Kahuna and some Wimhoffers.

Ya just never know what you're gonna get, if you get out of bed, and go down to the beach on a summer's day.  Today, the "well, that's weird" thing was seeing something floating out towards Michigan, away from Klode.  The folks on the beach (all of us of a certain age, and therefore squinting), were trying to determine whether the floating thing had a teenager connected to it, or not.  We guessed not (as said imaginary kid was not calling for help).  

Never a man to leave a mystery unsolved, Diablo (unicorn wrangler extraordinaire), swam out there, and led back to shore the Kru's new mascot:

Turns out our new mascot was not yet broken in, which led to some riproarin bronco-busting, rodeoing on the beach:

Contest:  Name that mascot.  Submit suggestions in the Comments.

Post-swim and bronco-busting, it started to sprinkle on us in the parking lot, which led to the appearance of the above rainbow.  Who needs a pot of gold, when you've got a golden sunrise, and flat, perfect water to go for a long swim in?  Truly a magical morning of swimming at the beach today!

P.S.:  Good luck to all who are headed Nort this weekend (including Cindy & Lt. MJ), to take on the Point to LaPointe Challenge.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Klode beach closure PSA

The Public Works Director of Whitefish Bay came personally down to the beach today to tell us the beach will be closed for rest of the day because of construction (but may be open around 4) and also tomorrow, so 

no swimming tomorrow morning at Klode!!

-Atwater is a possibility

Water today was warm and flat, over 70 degrees, slight current from the South.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Gunk on the Thermometer

 Last Swim:  Friday, June 12, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post to suggest a swim time.    
Water temp: 70
Air temp: 64 (est.), chilly little NE breeze, hazy sun
Water Quality/Clarity:  Murky with clear areas
Waves:  A bit of chop here and there
Kru:  Early shift:  Diablo.  Sunny Luna Laguna,  Lt. MJ, Mermaid Princess, Holly, Hollywood, Fin-Fyn, Dragonfly, Magic Mike, another fellow (Gordon?)

Despite the Gunk on the Thermometer as Mary Jo took the temperature, it was arguably the best swim of the season!  We skirted the masses of green moss lining the water's edge and eased in near the south rocks.  The moss was warmer than the sand in the early sun.  If the water started at 70, the further you got from the rocks and out into the lake, the warmer it was.  Several of us were in wetsuits as the air was chill and we had an inkling the swim might turn long.  This was certainly the case for me as I cruised beyond the Cute Chairs,  White Canoe, One-Man Beach, Three Piers, and the Blue Thing.  I know there are Sandbags beyond the Blue Thing, but I may have been too far from shore to identify them.  What I saw seemed to be nondescript rocky shoreline for a couple of hundred yards as I slogged against a developing chop increasingly eastward, as the north arm of the bay curves in.  I turned at 2,000 yards at no particular landmark and felt a friendly push all the way home to Klode.  I later learned that the mythical Crystal Palace was still 500 yards, or about 10 minutes, away by my current speed from my furthest north.  Since that would have added 20 minutes to my total swim, I left it for another day.  But having inched a bit closer to these significant landmarks - Big Bay last week, Crystal Palace this week - my respect for those who have actually achieved these storied sights has only increased.

MJ confronts the gunky thermometer. She noted that the water was "more of a solid," fortunately it re-liquified further out!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish -- Just Add Water!


Last Swim:  Sat., July 20, 2024, noon.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Full Moon Swim:  If you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 
Water temp: 71 at shore per the Sandy-O-Meter; cooler areas (maybe down to the low 60s) in multiple areas during the swim.
Weather: High 70's, mixed sun and clouds.        
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear; 9 of 10.   
Waves:  Riffled.    
Boat Traffic:  Moderate.    
Kru:  WeTac, Hawaii 4.0, Amy, Peaches, Brick, BillyBobber, Sandy (Beach Name "Sandy"), Dragonfly, Mr. A, Forger, Amy-With-A-Duck, Sarah, Bahtiari, Diablo, Kahuna (maybe others, sorry if I missed adding you to the list, if I missed you, leave a comment).

Several members of the Kru took advantage of the pleasant conditions today, and went long, going to Big Bay and Back. 

The above is a picture of my new granddaughter, Gloria.  I went swimming with her in  Lake Michigan last night, but I don't have photographic proof of it, so I'm just posting a picture I took of her this morning.  She liked the Lake and the beach.  When she was born in February, I made sure that she tasted Killepitsch before she tasted mother's milk.

OK, in last Sunday's blog, the Captain had a link to some old 1960 Mountain Dew TV commericials.  After I watched that, I went down the rabbit hole, to the 1960 TV commericial for "Real Live Wham-O Instant Fish."  I embeded a link to the commercail above (and here is the link again, just in case the above embedded video does not work).  If there is an official toy of the Klode Kru, I think it should be "Live Wham-O Instant Fish." 

As I mentioned above, if you are interested in organizing a full moon swim on Sunday evening, leave a note in the comments. 

Update:  After I posted the above, a relative sent me a picture of Gloria and me at the beach.  Cue The Lion King Song.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A New Day


If you stayed in bed this morning, and didn't go to the beach, your life might well be less than it might otherwise have been.  

Last Swim:  July 15th, 6:00 a.m. 
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: My guess is 68 at the beach, colder by the rocks, but maybe in the 70s as we headed North.  Some substantially colder water was in places, but that was 1 to 2 feet below us, so as long as it stays there, it's all good baby.  [7/16 update: see King Triton's comment about 52 degree water near shore today; be careful how much faith you put in reports from the Atwater off-shore buoy temp graph].       
Weather: High 70's, full sun, headed towards a hot 90 and thunderstorms this afternoon.       
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear.  10 of 10.   
Waves:  Flat.    
Boat Traffic:  Zero.   
Firsts seen at the Beach: Someone has erected a reasonalby tall wooden flagpole, but neglected to hoist a flag on it.  T'would be a good place for a MKE People's Flag.  
Kru:  Lt. M.J. (a long distance swimmer today), FinFin, newbie Gloria (beach name "Gloriosos"?), Doug, Wimhoffer June, Kahuna, and early shift Aquaman, and Diablo.
Invitation: If you are visiting Milwaukee this week, and want to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan, you are more than welcome to come swim with us.  Anyone who wants to swim with us, can swim with us.  Just show up at the appointed time at the south end of Klode Beach, and introduce yourself to the folks putting on swim caps or wetsuits. If you have questions, see "Kru FAQ's" on the right side of this blog, below the pictures.    

As the storm clouds magestically progressed there way to the East, the Sun rose above the horizon, and our intrepid little group of sleepy-eyed swimmers made our winding way down to the beach.  

We were met with the glory that is Lake Michigan, on a beautiful summers day.

We introduced ourselves to young Gloria from New Berlin, who had decided to try open water swimming in Lake Michigan today, after reading the blog.  Gloria boldly and bravely stated her purpose: I'm going to learn how to swim open water well, because I'm going to do the Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon next year.  Good on ya, and good luck in your training (and yes, you should get a wetsuit).  Welcome Gloria, and we hope to see you back on the da beach soon.  

Had a nice talk too with Doug (who I don't think I've met, even though his wife June is a regular wimhoffer dunker at Klode year round).  Doug is getting ready to do a 1.2 mile swim as part of a triathlon relay with his son in Maine in a week or so.  Good luck Doug!  

Watch the forecast if you are thinking about swimming this evening, as some thunderstorms are predicted to roll through Milwaukee this evening.  

"Bye bye, gotta go swim now!"