Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's All Rainbows & Unicorns at the Beach!


Last Swim:  Thursday, Aug. 1st, 6:00 a.m.  
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)    
Water temp: In the 70's per my toethrometer. 
Weather: Air in the 70's, with a bit of haze on the horizon (which made it nice, not having to look into full sun), and some interesting fog banks moving up the bluff several places south of Klode.          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  Flat as a pancake run over by a steamroller operated by a really fat guy
Kru:  Diablo, Lt. MJ, Cindy, Magic Mike, Two Unknown Swimming Females, Assorted Teenagers, Kahuna and some Wimhoffers.

Ya just never know what you're gonna get, if you get out of bed, and go down to the beach on a summer's day.  Today, the "well, that's weird" thing was seeing something floating out towards Michigan, away from Klode.  The folks on the beach (all of us of a certain age, and therefore squinting), were trying to determine whether the floating thing had a teenager connected to it, or not.  We guessed not (as said imaginary kid was not calling for help).  

Never a man to leave a mystery unsolved, Diablo (unicorn wrangler extraordinaire), swam out there, and led back to shore the Kru's new mascot:

Turns out our new mascot was not yet broken in, which led to some riproarin bronco-busting, rodeoing on the beach:

Contest:  Name that mascot.  Submit suggestions in the Comments.

Post-swim and bronco-busting, it started to sprinkle on us in the parking lot, which led to the appearance of the above rainbow.  Who needs a pot of gold, when you've got a golden sunrise, and flat, perfect water to go for a long swim in?  Truly a magical morning of swimming at the beach today!

P.S.:  Good luck to all who are headed Nort this weekend (including Cindy & Lt. MJ), to take on the Point to LaPointe Challenge.