Saturday, August 3, 2024

Das Fest Outing Sunday... cuz Das water unt Vonderful!

 Captn's Log Saturday August 3rd, 2024 - Noon

Last Swim:  Saturday, Aug. 3rd, Noon
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water temp: In the mid-upper 70's per me toe-mometer 
Weather: 85 & abundant Sunshine          
Water Quality/Clarity:  Crystal clear.    
Waves:  light chop/current from the north
Kru:  Diablo, Kahuna, Mr. Anonymous, Ziggy, Billy-Bobber, Capt'n and sightings of Magic Mike and Eric(?) with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named

**LATE BREAKING SOCIAL OUTING NEWS** - Following Sunday's (8/4) Noon swim at Klode, join us for a round of grog (...or two...) at Das Fest!  Das Fest is going on this weekend at the Bavarian Inn Bier Garten.  As das vater conditions are vonderful at Klode, vy not join us to celebrate, ja!    

 (**side note:  "The Alex Meixner Band" taking the Main Stage at 4pm is perhaps the best German Oompa-pa-pa band I've ever heard...bring family, friends and your favorite stein to join in on the fun!**)

Here are a few snaps and video from Ziggy and Captn's Das Fest adventure from Friday...


Kahuna said...

Thanks for organzing Ted -- it was all "zer goot"!

Kahuna said...

13 surfers in the Water at Atwater this evening. Expect big water at klode tomorrow.

Kahuna said...

Short report:
Big waves of this week have led to weeds piling up on beach at places. Not as bad though, as other years. But there was this morning an occasional "weedy" taste or fragrance at some points along the swim.
Some rolling swells, but pretty calm overall. A lovely morning on the beach.
Air Temp like 58, Water like Temp 74?
Kru: Large Kru this morning, maybe more than a dozen. I was off swimming by myself with my dog Willa, but I did see Julie, Brian, Cindy, A La Mode, and others. My appologies if I missed your name. Should be a great weekend for swimming.

jamie said...

K-huna.....I've got your big shoulders towel left in the sendiks bag.

Kahuna said...

King Triton: Thanks for the above. Brief weekend report: The water conditions for the weekend swims were excellent, with mid-70 degree water. Gobs of swimmers down at the beach. We are getting spoiled. King Triton: thanks for the heads up as to my towel. FYI, WFB DPW says the beach is going to be temporarily closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Looks like rain forecast for Thursday and Friday. As such, watch the blog for "Klode Kafé" to pop up some morning next week.

Lieutenant MJ said...

Thanks Kahuna ! Looking forward to Klode Kafe :) FYI - this morning we were able to out maneuver the Klode closure by parking in the road and then walking to the beach - hopefully that will be the case again tomorrow.

Kahuna said...

Ahh, well, the "Pirate Code," now is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.

Moondaug said...
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Moondaug said...

Anyone got any experience/recommendations for rotator cuff work after a bike crash?

Peaches said...

The parking lot and beach were open Tuesday evening when I was there at 5:30. I had a wonderful solo swim, water clarity was 10/10 and temperature still in the low 70s. Couldn't ask for a better swim!

Wytosk said...

For rotator cuff I HIGHLY recommend a physical therapist as the rotator cuff is actually 4 tiny muscles, any of which could be an issue or also compounding an issue. Not a good one to tackle on your own (like IT band in comparison which is more straightforward).

Moondaug said...

Thanks, think I got my team assembled now!

Other Dave said...

Erin : How far north did you go today on your board? Capt’n, Ziggy, and I got back to the beach … looked north, but could not spot you. Conditions were terrific today, we suspected you went longer than long, correct?

Moondaug said...

For all you moon light swimmers out there, conditions look perfect! Nice full moon, clear sky and 70's water! Moon rises at 8:08. Unfortunately for me, broken ribs don't agree.

Wytosk said...

Went to Crystal Palace. Could have gone to Doctors Park if time allowed, although the wind did make it a workout! I had to check out a very offensive rock.

Wytosk said...

Will be heading to the beach for Full Moon. Probably just to play.