Sunday, September 1, 2024

Not that big...not nearly as ferocious...

 Capt'ns log Sunday September 1st - 2024

Me Last Swim: Sunday 9/1 - Noon

Me Next Swim: Monday 9/2 - Noon
Other Swims after Labor Day: The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  T-F 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromptu" group swims.)    

Water Temps: (per itch-mometer) 74ish 
Weather: 70's & Sunny
Water Quality / Clarity:  Cloudy near shore / clearer further out
Waves:  1-2ft.... not nearly as ferocious as forecasted
Kru:  Itch, Luna Lagoona (a.k.a. Lunatic, Garden Party), Ziggy, Kahuna, Kunu, Capt'n with shore support from She Who Shall Not Be Named & Ziggy

They say you learn something new every day.  What I learned today...
  • Luna Lagoona goes by many names... while Itch rattled of  a very impressive list with associated short stories of how they came to be... my favorites were Lunatic and Garden Party.
  • We're not alone Mateys!  Fox Point has a beach club...complete with a private beach, beach house and a crew of swimmers.  Arrg, I think we might want to introduce ourselves...a beach house sure would be nice for those winter swims.
  • Kunu = Chuck in Hawaiian  (Welcome to our newest nicknamed swimmer!) 
  • Just because a swim buoy (a.k.a. "a Barbie") doesn't inflate it doesn't mean it has a hole in it.  Just sayin'. 
  • When the forecast calls for 3-5ft waves it's not always right.  ( maybe I already knew forecasts aren't always right...) 
  • (...this from a very reliable source...) men should eat 3 Brazil Nuts a day to maintain their testosterone levels 
More Pictorial Highlights from Fiesta Friday

Pictorial Highlights from Sunday's 'rock-n-roll' Swim

1 comment:

jamie said...

Ha! NOAA.......pfffffft!