Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Perfect Storm (not really)

Next swims: Monday-Friday, 6 am and 5 pm

Saturday/Sunday, 7 am, 8 am and Noon

Last Swims: Wednesday 6am
Water Temp:   Low 70's 
Waves:  4 footers?
Clarity:  nope
Air Conditions: 70 ish
Kru:  Dragonfly, Lydia the TTL, Capt'n, Laguna Mike, Mermaid Princess, Cindy, Showgirl, Diablo (early)

***Read earlier blog posts about Synchro's party this Sunday!!***

Photo TTL

We could hear the waves from the parking lot, which, if you like to swim in flat water, isn't the best sound.

But we headed to the beach.  Cap'n took a temp, and the warm water convinced us to give it a try.

Laguna Mike launched while we were still chatting on the beach.  The rest of us buckled on our barbies and made our way in.  At first we swam pretty far out and just chatted, enjoying the big waves.  Occasional breakers spiced things up.

This is how it looked

But this is how it felt

Ultimately, MP and Cindy headed north for some actual swimming.  TTL, Dragonfly, and I went to sewerpipe and turned around.

Cap'n and Laguna Mike did longer swims.

The swimming was actually pretty great, in a super-wavy sort of way.


Hurricane said...

Did anyone else have crazy sinus issues after the swim this morning? I was a stuffy, itchy, sneezy mess.

Moondaug said...

@Cindy-Yes, sometimes. Nose clamps help though.