Monday, August 9, 2021

WTF!?! Cold Water Returns

Next swims: 
    M-F, 6am and 5pm; 
    Sat & Sun, 7am, 8am and noon  

Last swim: 6am Monday
Air temp:  70
Water temp: below 60
Waves: small swells out of the south 
Clarity: Who knows... I was just focusing on continuing to swim
Kru: Lt. MJ, Showgirl, Diablo on the early shift, and of course, three Wim Hoffers

MJ was about to leave at 6:02 when I rolled into the parking lot.  Given how cold the water was, that might have been a better choice.

We headed down the ramp, and encountered Diablo at the bottom.

"Wear two caps," he said.  If Diablo tells you it's cold, it's cold.

As we neared the water we could feel a wall of cold air.

A helpful Wim Hoffer came over to re-state Diablos' bad news-- cold water.

MJ said the (big fat lying) buoy said the temp was 69 degrees.  I can assure you, that is NOT the temperature.

Anyway, she put on her sleeveless wetsuit and I put on my usual, non-wetsuit-y stuff.  

"Sewer pipe."

And so we went to just short of the sewer pipe.  I was questioning my choices the whole way.  It's been so many weeks (months?) of skin-able water that it was hard to even wrap my head around how cold might be too cold to swim.

Back on shore it was fairly easy to warm up due to the warm air.  I did have the heat on in my car, and had some shivers once I got home.

We were only in the water 10 minutes.


eric jernberg said...

water was 52 at noon

Lieutenant MJ said...

I'm glad Brick got an official reading to justify our WTF reaction. However 10 minutes in the water is better than no minutes in the water. The added bonus for me was actually SEEING the Wim Hoffers in action (complete with their video equipment) - up until this point they had remained legendary creatures who's actions I had only heard of and not yet witnessed.

Wytosk said...

The beaches are uniformly closed for bacteria. Its never all of them at once. After all the rain guessing a deep tunnel dump? Which boggles my mind - we havent had a drop of rain fall in 2 months that thing was bone dry and the system couldn’t handle holding it? FFS

Wytosk said...

Nevermind not all beaches. Bad intel.

Wytosk said...

Ok all the linked sites are reporting water temps at 70. Anyone swim today? Are we still in a vortex?

Patriarch said...

See this map and notice the ribbon of blue and green on the western shore.
Likely to remain this way while offshore winds persist for another few days

eric jernberg said...

rumor is that its warmer at Big Bay, per Sandy

Unknown said...

Yea, 850 yds South of Klode the water was very warm. As I continued south the water stayed warm. I was there at noon.