Thursday, August 5, 2021

Beer Gardens & Beavers

Next swims: M-F, 6am and 5pm; Sat & Sun, 7/8am and noon

Last swim: 5pm Thursday August 5th
Air temp:  82
Water temp: 70
Waves: light chop from south
Clarity: Improving!  Frequently could see bottom
Kru: Itch, Wet Taco, Ziggy, Quinoa Salad, Capt'n

If you're a frequent open water swimmer you've most likely had an "encounter".  You know, when you unexpectedly encounter something while swimming that catches you off guard and images of sharks, alligators or sea serpents flash through your mind.  This was the case this evening when Itch and I unexpectedly came across the roots of 10ft+ tree bobbing in the water just offshore from the Silver Spring Downspout.  (a.k.a. Lauren's Golden Shower)  Funny thing about this encounter were the flash backs we had to last summer when Itch and I encountered a real live racoon swimming in nearly the exact same spot.  (...although last year's encountered occurred during a freak thunderstorm we got caught swimming in....)  

This evening's tree encounter does bring up an observation which has led to an interesting theory....after all, this blog was founded on the premise of "OBSERVATIONS, RAMBLINGS, RANTS, AND WACKO THEORIES"...  If you've been swimming along the Klode shoreline this summer you may have noticed quite a few trees that have either washed ashore or will soon be washing ashore.   You may have also noticed quite a few trees missing along the bluffs over looking the bay.   Why, why, why are all these trees disappearing from the bluffs and now washing ashore?  My theory is that this is the precursor to an oncoming invasion and inevitable colonization of Beavers along the shores of Klode.  These busy Beavers have been spending the spring and summer strategically pitching trees into the Lake so that they will provide ample building materials for their soon to be colony along the Klode shoreline!

Now, about the Beer Garden....Sunday, Sunday, Sunday....this Sunday (August 8th)!  A proposal has been made to follow-up Sunday's Noon Swim with a trip to the Estabrook Bier Garten.  What say ye?  Who's in?  If I had to estimate...we'll likely be at the the Beer Garden between 1:30-2pm...Hope to see you then!


Wytosk said...

I’m SO glad I turned around at Love Rock. I can’t imagine how wigged out I would have gotten swimming into those roots- would have freaked like that poor raccoon in the storm.

Moondaug said...

Beer? I'm in.

Kahuna said...

Bier? Ist gut!

ashwin said...

Thanks friend for making this kind of blog. it help me a lot to improve my knowledge. keep making these kinds of blogs.

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