Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Two shelves

 Next swims: R, F- 6am and 5pm; Sat & Sun- 7am/8am and noon

Last swim: Wednesday 6am

Air temp: 68

Water temp: 64, but it was pretty much colder a little deeper.

Waves: flat like glass

Clarity: nice and clear

Kru: DragonflyRiffRaff, Showgirl, Forger, Mr Anonymous, Magic Mike with Diablo on the early shift

It was a quiet swim this morning. Gone was the crowded lot; gone were the fitness people; gone were the hugging teens, and the friendly middle aged women, gone were the Wim Hoffers. Those who were there were individuals doing their thing. Diablo paddled through the otherwise still morning waters. The seagulls were making more noise than the humans.

When we measured the water temp at 64+  degrees, it gave us a false sense of the water's warmth. Many folks are familiar with that perennially cold patch between the rock piles. So that wasn't an issue, really. What became the issue for me as we all swam north was these two shelves of water: one that we swam through at the top of the  water column, and one about 2 and a half feet down that was probably 10 degrees colder. THAT shelf served to refrigerate the one on top of it. So the swim was a cold one. I am still in a sweatshirt two hours later looking to recoup some lost body heat. 

On my return trip, just out from the new rock pile, I encountered Showgirl standing about waist deep in the water. I was perhaps 10 feet away (north) of her and could not touch the bottom. I had to ask her what she was standing on. To which she replied, "The bottom!" We dug around some and theorized that the barge that brought in the new rock pile had to dredge a bit to get in close enough to offload all that riprap. She was standing on the part where the dredged sand was deposited, I was trying to stand where they dug the path in. I do not know whether this was an active dredging or just a situation where the barge simply plowed through the sand leaving a sand wake behind it. Either way, I wonder whether or not this will be the locale of a future rip current. Swimmers beware!



Mschumacher said...

Hi, I enjoy reading your blog and will be in WI visiting my in-laws. I’m hoping to come out Sunday morning for a swim and would love to join you guys!

Kahuna said...

Great. Come swim with us!