Monday, August 16, 2021

I wish I took a picture!

 Next swims: T-F 6am, 5pm; Sat & Sun 7am, 8am, noon

Last swim: Monday 6am

Air temp: 62

Water temp: 59/60- we had no thermometer, so we guessed

Waves: none

Clarity: beautifully clear

Kru: Mermaid Princess, Lt. MJ, Cindy, Luna Laguna, Magic Mike

I stumbled away from my bedside thoughtlessly this morning (or more thoughtlessly than normal). Managed to dress myself and gather my swim stuff, but forgot my phone. The particular beauty of this morning's sunrise had me groping for my phone, which was resting unmolested on my bedside table. I am not going to attempt a description, your imagination will be better. It was stunning. A picture would be nice...but it didn't happen today.

The lot was nearly full of cars at 6:02! There were joggers doing the hill and the track on top of the bluff. There were hugging teens on the northern rock pile no doubt documenting the beauty of the sunrise in the sort of perfectly curated images that their generation seems to create effortlessly. There were Wim Hoffers communing with the sunrise in their own manner. There were three middle aged women cheerfully engaging each other and the Wim Hoffers in appreciative and voluble banter. And there was the Kru. 

We guessed the water was about the same as yesterday, perhaps a little warmer. This despite MJ's attempt to throw us off by making us think it was colder than yesterday. It wasn't. With some caution, we wrapped ourselves in neoprene, except Luna who dove right in. The rest of us pushed off behind her and swam north. A nearly ideal swim! a perfect way to mark Cindy's birthday. Happy Birthday, Cindy!


jamie said...

Sunday swim of the season!! Just lovely to have all you good people on the beach. water was crystal clear and warm enough to go for a proper swim. The Pitsch was extra good and Lamprey brought the tastiest most colorful cake as a bonus as well as Brick w/his pickles,excellent. One of those swims where it seems the stars and planets align and give you the great big thumbs up! Yes, it was my birthday swim.....was I responsible for such a fine swim??...No!...but am I undeservedly taking credit for such a fine swim!?!....gotdamn right!! thanks everybody!

Wytosk said...

Happy Happy Birthday Rainbow Cake!!

jamie said...

that's Mr. rainbow Cake! Ha! almost forgot.

Wytosk said...

Monday 5pm- Itch, Ala, Bubble, We’Taco 68F with much warmer pools forming. Crystal. Divine. Swim of the season.