Sunday, June 2, 2024


Last Swim:      Noon, Sunday, 6/2 

Next Swims: M-F 6 a.m., Saturday and Sunday noon, see comments for suggested custom swim times

Water temp: In the low 60's near shore, like 55 a little further out.  Some warmer and cooler pockets.
Air temp: 72, with bright sunshine.  
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Cap'n, Diablo, Brick, Magic Mike, Itch; shoresupport from Leon and Leon's mom.
Waves:  Almost completely flat, slight push from the South.  
Water:  Clarity 9 of 10.  

A lovely day.  Nice to see some old faces.  And no, I'm not going to get into a debate about when summer legally, officially, astronomically, or scientifically, starts.  In my book, it started yesterday, or at the latest today, when I got in the Lake for the first time this year.  

Pirate Shipwreck Swim & SMC BBQ Returns!  Next Saturday, June 8th at Atwater Park is the Shorewood Men's Club Chicken & Rib BBQ Picnic & Community Fundraiser.  It is the Kru's tradition to gather for a swim at like 9 or 10, swim out to the wreck off of Atwater Beach, then come up to the bluff for some beer & BBQ.  I'll buy the first round.  I have pre-sale food tixs (you save a little if you buy your Chix BBQ tixs from me before hand).  Scrumptious BBQ Chicken Dinner Tixs are $16, and Luscious BBQed Rib Dinners are $20.  All proceeds go to support worthy local projects, like park maintenance, tree plantings, youth sports and student scholarships.  If you want to reserve a ticket, let me know in the comments.  

Happy Birthday Department:  Today is Johnny Weissmueller's birthday (born 6/2/1904).  

R.I.P. Department:  
    Ricky Racoon, 
    Ya died too soon,
    Ya lay on the beach, 
    Not far out of reach,
    We on the kru,
    Know rank spew,
    Ya did not tary, 
    So we gotta bury.
(Next time I come, I'll try to remember to bring a shovel, so Rick can have a proper burial.)

Lost & Found Department:  I got home without the swim goggles I wore today.  So if anyone finds a pair of Speedo Vanquisher mirrored/smoked goggles iwth black straps, let me know.  


Serious Athlete said...

Ill probably be there a bit before 6 tomorrow

Serious Athlete said...

Kahuna really did have a shovel!!

Kahuna said...

We therefore commit this body to the ground,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
in the sure and certain hope of less stinkyness.

Kahuna said...

55 degrees this morning? No body measured that I know of. Kru: Serious Athlete, Diablo, Showgirl, Linda the Lamprey, Mr. A., Kahuna, plus at least one other swimmer, and a pair of Wimhofers with Lt. MJ.

Serious Athlete said...

55 seems right

Moondaug said...

I did a nooner and it was 57.5. Velocity of waves was picking up (Stormy weather coming) for a nice workout.

Lieutenant MJ said...

Hmmm - once again someone was impersonating me as I am "the real" LT MJ and I was not there :) - perhaps it was Mermaid Princess?

But I may be there tomorrow - depending on these storms...

Kahuna said...

Mea culpa to Lt. MJ. Clearly, I'm rusty on nicknames. Julie was Wimhoffering. What's Julie's nom de beach?

Lieutenant MJ said...

Julie is aka "Mermaid Princess" :)

Kahuna said...

BBQ tixs? Anyone? Bueller?

Moondaug said...

One chick for me please.

David Polidori said...

I’ll be visiting Milwaukee June 14-15. I’d like to swim either Friday or Saturday morning. Can I just show up and join the group swim?

Kahuna said...

Yes! We look forward to seimming with you..

Kahuna said...
