Saturday, June 15, 2024

Oh, Now Where Did They Put That AED Unit?

 Capt'n Log Supplemental (Kahuna Reporting):

Last Swim:  Noon Sat., June 15.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule, at Klode Beach:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see posts by Kru members who may be trying to set up an "unscheduled" time for an extra swim.)    
Water temp: 63!  At least in close.  Away from shore, seemed a little cooler, but there were some warm pockets.    
Air temp: 75, bright sun, with a ith clouds, and a bit of rain.  
Water:  Not clear.  Some chop and push coming from the south, but not so bad that Moondaug could use his standup paddle board.
Kru: King Triton, Sandy (beachname, "Sandy"); Diablo; Megan; Brick, Kahuna with board support from Moondaug.
Eco Report:  There is some stench on the beach, caused I think by the die off of the gobies.  Not as bad as last year.  Again, the part of the beach from which we swim could be cleaned up in 10 minutes, if we had garden rakes, but the smell scope is more pervasive than that.  Water is overall good, but don't be surprised if as you swim along you bump into a dead gobie or two.

Sandy (beachname "Sandy") spread the joyous news that the temp was a very, very nice 63 degrees.  A nice swim south to Love Shack or Flat Rock.  

Oh, what about the AED?  If I (or anybody else of the Kru) ever has a heart attack, remember:
  • First, CALL 991
  • Second, somebody START CPR.
  • Third, somebody (hopefully someone fast), run across the beach, up the stairs, across the park, to the restrooms by the tennis courts, grab the AED unit, and then run back to the hopefully still alive heart attackee. 
Or, somebody could convince WFB to install an AED down by the beach (at least from May thru October).     


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