Friday, June 7, 2024

Tatoo You and Don't Call Me Betsy

Last swim: 6-7-24, 6:30 AM

Next Swims:  Saturday 10 AM at Atwater and Sunday noon at Klode, see comments for suggested custom swim times

Water temp: In the high 40's near shore

Air temp: 60's, with sunshine.
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Showgirl, Fin Fin, Dragonfly, Hollywood?, Hurricane (an other lady), Moondaug

Waves: Almost completely flat

Water: Clarity 9 of 10.  

I arrived solo at 6: 30. Except for the morning squaks of baby red wing black birds in the trees and busy fluttering mother birds delivering breakfast. And the serene scene of seaguls loafing (on the rocks) and some gliding over a calm, gentle, and undisturbed morning lake. Just the subtle phasing in and out refraction patterns on the water.

The Duck-o-meter quacked at an invigorating 48 F. After some hem and haw, I took the dive in. Did just a short swim, but still oh so rewarding. About half way through I was feeling great! Upon returning I was greeted by 6 additional Klode swimmers. Good morning, Good morning!

Being the only male on the beach this morning with a school of females I tried my best to listen without interrupting the flow of conversation too much. Apparently my male ears heard a conversation about someone wanting to get a tattoo. Apparently I was just dreaming though. Or was I having a premonition about future official Klode tattoos? I may have to meditate on that. Feel free to make recommendations.

Then the conversation shifted to unwanted nick names. Apparently the the name Betsy is not well liked. I'm not sure why though. But I suppose we can scratch that off for possible official Klode tattoos.

If you'll be my swimming buddy
I can be your long lost pal
I wont call you Betsy
No Betsy's on our tats, let them say loral.
I'm calling for a 10 am swim this Sat. to shipwreck swim and then the Barbecue hosted by Kahunas group up the beach. Post thoughts.


Cindy said...

I’m an other lady!

Kahuna said...

Shipwreck Swim from Atwater: 10:00 a.m., Sat. June 8th it is!

Post Swim Beer & BBQ: So far, I've heard from Moondaug that he wants a chix tix. Anybody else? Get your reservations into me before I'm sold out. I take cash, check or Zelle.

LMS FAQ Webpage? Where Did It Go?: On the right side of the blog, where we have links to the Atwater buoy, etc., didn't we used to have a link to a page that was called something like "FAQ about the Lake Michigan Swimmers" or "About Us"? I don't see that now. And that was a handy page to send to out-of-towners asking about swimming with us, or newbies asking us basic questions (like do we charge dues, do I have to join, do I have to sign a waiver, when do you swim and where, where can I get a wetsuit, etc.) Is that page still someplace, and if so, what's the link? If we need to get such a page/link that back up, I think only the Cap'n can edit the home page? I don't think I can.

Serious Athlete said...

I need to hear that verse in song amd Moondaug's best Paul Simon voice.