Sunday, June 16, 2024

Manly Swim

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)
Last Swim:  Noon Sun. June 16.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see if any Kru members are trying to set up an "unscheduled" swim.)     
Water temp: 61 ashore, but King Triton's traveling thermometer was recording a lot of 57 and 56 out there.      
Air temp: 75, bright sun, followed by some clouds by the end.   
Water Quality/Clarity:  Not clear.  Loose waterborne vegitation is making the water near share non-clear, but there is not so much that it is accumulating on the beach yet.  
Waves:  Getting near to "big water," but not there yet.  You could definitely feel the waves' power as you wade in.  
Kru: King Triton, Diablo, Brick, Kahuna (with shore support from SheWhoMustNotBeNamed).  A post-swim appearance by Bakhtiari (yes, I did have to look that up to spell it), who was headed in for his second dip of the season.  
Eco Report:  No stench on the beach, primarily because there was quite a fresh breeze blowing in from off the Lake. 
Fly Report:  The flies were around.  Not crazy numbers, but not pleasant.  Over the next few weeks, Kru members may want to consider bring a pair of sweat pants or light yoga pants, if you want to keep those little bastards from biting your feet, ankles and lower legs post swim.  

Manly swim today, as the assembled Kru was something of a sausagefest.  A nice swim south, with a helpful push on the way back from the waves.  But that was balanced for me by the big mouthful of wave I took on board on my return, about 100 yards from the beach.  King-for-a-Day-and-His-Most-Serene-Higness Diablo arrived at the beach being borne on a Palanquin by his many sons, with his many daughters dancing and tossing rose pedals all around Him, their Most Magnificient Father.  Swim followed by a toast to all those who are dads, and/or who have dads.   


jamie said...

can't believe I've made it this far in life w/o knowing what a panaquin was, huh......learn something new every day!!

jamie said...


Kahuna said...

If one has a desire to go down the palanquin rabbit hole further:

* Sedia Gestatoria

* Flabellum

jamie said...

I do not, thank you. one thing already learnt today.