Monday, June 24, 2024

It was That Beautiful!

 Last Swim:  Monday, June 24, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post if you'd like to suggest a swim time.)     
Water temp: 63. Some folks were comfortable going full skin.   
Air temp: High 60s, Abundant, benevolent sun    
Water Quality/Clarity:  Pretty clear
Waves:  Gentle swell from the NE, flat on surface.
Kru:  Cindy, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Holly, Showgirl, Dragonfly, Mr. Anonymous and Moondaug

After yesterday's cold and chop, drizzle and wind, today was a glorious dream.  People sported various combinations of skin and neoprene with the water temp hovering in the borderline low 60s.  I wanted to swim fairly long, so I wore sleeveless wetsuit/sleeves, only one layer of booties and, for the first time this year, no gloves!  All was just right for a pretty delightful 52-minute swim just beyond the cute chairs and to the white something (kayak? canoe? I was pretty far out) and somewhere near the vicinity of The Pod, a new feature described by Fyn-Fin last week.  

Thanks for the photo, Lt. MJ.  Yes, it was.  THAT. Beautiful!!!


Moondaug said...

Any body pick up my black jammer swim trunks I accidently left behind Monday by any chance?

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Alas, no. Don't recall seeing them either.

Moondaug said...

Low 60"s water this morning. Felt like summers waters. Krew; Kahuna, Super Herra, Gumdrop. Should be warm through the weekend according to forecasted weather. Get it while the gettings good!

Kahuna said...

Ala (a/k/a a la mode) also made an appearance on the beach and in the Lake this morning. Waves 2 to 4 added an interesting component to the entrance and exit of the swim.

JSOnline today reports some sad news about a 17 year-old swimmer who died/drowned last night in Lake Michigan off of Oak Creek (and another related 17 year-old who also drowned, and who is reportedly in critcal condition):

The article refers to "agonal breathing" by the kid who is in critical condition. In case anybody wants a reminder as to what that is and looks like, search that term on YouTube. So if we pull a person out of the water who is unconscious but still "doing some type of weird breathinng," or "is gulping" we should still call 911, send someone for the AED, check for a pulse, and (if there is any doubt about a pulse) start CPR.

Crusty-Swim said...

Is anyone swimming Sunday June 30 @ noon? Hoping to join the group for a swim (my first time w group)! If anyone is here today, Look for two gals in wetsuits - one with a neon yellow swim cap and neon yellow bouy.

Kahuna said...

What's the plan for a July 4th noon swim? WFB and SHRWD are doing their fireworks the evening of July 4th. Anybody know when WFB is closing Klode Beach that day? I checked with SHRWD Village Hall, and they tell me that Atwater beach will be closed at apporoximately 1 pm and thereafter. Big Bay is the traditional venue for the Kru to do an "at noon" July 4th but with all the work occuring relating to a temporary fix of the sinkhole that opened in June, I don't know if the County/WFB are allowing pedestrians to walk down to the beach or use the beach.

Moondaug said...

Capt. was talking about Doctors Park for the fourth. But was going to do some reconnaissance?

Kahuna said...

The water temp for the 5:30 p.m. swim on Tuesday 7.2.24 was a pleasant 67 degrees per the King-Triton-O-Meter. Choppy, opaque water, with a push from the South. Small Kru (King Triton, Susan and Kahuna).

I drove by Big Bay, and it sure looks like the path down to the beach is fenced off. But maybe the stairs (and the beach) are open? Anybody have further info on that?

Doctor's Park seems way up North, to me. If we can't swim at Big Bay on the Fourth, my vote would be for a Forth of July Pirate Shipwreck Swim, gathering at 10:00 on the bluff above Atwater Beach. Or (another alternative) swim at Bradford Beach at noon?

What say the Kru? Vote now (before the "I'm all for an absolute Monarch" wing of SCOTUS manages to further jeopardize your liberties).

FYI, given the forecast for persistent winds out of the west and SW on Wednesday, my predicition is that the water temp on Thursday morning will be much lower than it was last night.

Moondaug said...
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Moondaug said...

I'll cast me vote in for Atwater, as I suspect Doctors Park will be to out of the way for many. And possibly a swim to bare butt beach out of Atwater.

eric jernberg said...

anyone want to swim 6 or 7 am on the 4th


Beaulieux said...
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