Sunday, June 9, 2024

Shipwreck Ho!

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Reporting in the Captain's Absence):
Last Swim:  10 a.m., Sat., June 8th.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule, at Klode Beach:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see posts by Kru members who may be trying to set up an "unscheduled" time for an extra swim.)    
Water temp: In close,  54 degrees, and maybe in the lower 50's fuerther out.  
Air temp: 60, with clouds, and a bit of rain.  
Kru: Mr. A, Moondaug, Amanda from Oakland California, Magic Mike (shore support?), and Kahuna.  Two other nice young women were down there trying out their new wetsuits, and another Californian was working out on the beach, and they all 3 indicated they're glad to learn about the Kru, and will come out and join us at some future swims.  If you are them and reading this, we'd love to see you again at an upcoming swim.
Waves:  Almost completely flat.    
Water Clarity:  Clear near shore, but with the strong winds over the last few days, less clear as we got further away from shore.  

The SMC BBQ Shipwreck Swim is one of the highlights of the summer swim season, and while all participants this year had an good time, the weather and water clarity did not 100% cooperate with us.  

Welcome to the impressive Amanda (English teacher from Oakland), who (despite the frigid temps) swam skin for at least a half hour.  Even those of us who were wearing wetsuits, were talking about having the shakes or numb fingers after the swim was over.  Mr. A and Moondaug's hands were still shaking when I handed them a beer 15 to 20 minutes after they emerged from the Lake.  (I got off really easy this year as to my offer to buy the first round for all attending Kru members.)

We did see the wreck.  Although given the lighting conditions (very cloudy) and water clarity, it was hard to see this year.  It was definitely a day when you needed clear goggles, and even then, it wasn't the bright clear image that we've  seen in prior years.  Always fun though to be out on the Lake, and having rain fall around you (with no lightning risk).  

Apres swim, we changed and climbed up the bluff, and enjoyed BBQ and beer, and some live music (by my 10- year-old neighbor, the highly talented guitar-player and rock vocalist Tenley Sheldon).  In about 10 years from now, we'll be able to say we saw him back in the day, before he started sellinng out concert venues, and breaking hearts.  

Looking forward to seeing folks on the beach.  I get the feeling we will be seeing warmer water in the next week to 10 days.  

Both of the California swimmers I talked with yesterday said they had checked the blog, but couldn't figure out the upcoming swim schedule from the blog.  They also said they couldn't tell if we swam everyday, given the eratic reports on the blog.  So I encourage Kru members to (1) "blog your swims" (the report can be very short); and (2) when you blog, including something clear at the top, so that newbies know the "typical" schedule at Klode (something like I have above).  

On a related "helping newbies to be able to join us" issue, I repeat here the question I posted earlier this week in one of the comment sections:

LMS FAQ Webpage? Where Did It Go?: On the right side of the blog, where we have links to the Atwater buoy, etc., didn't we used to have a link to a page that was called something like "FAQ about the Lake Michigan Swimmers" or "About Us"? I don't see that now. And that was a handy page link to send to out-of-towners asking about swimming with us, or newbies asking us basic questions in the comments (like do we charge dues, do I have to join, do I have to sign a waiver, when do you swim and where, where can I get a wetsuit, etc.) Is that page still someplace, and if so, what's the link? If we need to get such a page/link that back up, I think only the Cap'n can edit the home page? I don't think I can.

Cap'n, you got any thoughts on the above?  Or does anybody know anybody other than the Cap'n who can edit the blog's home page, and add a new "About Us" title/link on the right side?  Seems like we may want to get the above addressed, before all the folks come to MKE for the RNC National Convention next month in July.    


Moondaug said...

Best swim of the season. Meeting Magic on the beach, who had already determined the water temperature did no meet his requirements, almost made me reconsider. Which, if he had not already logged an open water swim would make me also reconsider Kahunas definition of when summer begins. But then again, there are many reasons to reconsider Kahunas proclamation of summer beginning. Not the least of which is I hadn't cut my whiskers yet.

Hello to Amanda from California who was on her way back after swimming, but no doubt had to mark swimming with Klode crew off her bucket list before returning. She had inquired about the truthfulness of our year round swimmers. I assured her it was true, even over ice and snow. I think she was impressed. She was the sole skin swimmer. As a regular of the South End Rowing and open water club in San Francisco, the temps were familiar to her. Still, very impressive.

For some reason the wreck seemed farther out than usual. Luckily, someone had placed a bouy at its approximate location. I guesstimated it was about 400 yards from shore. I had thought last year it was about 200 yards. Very strange. It makes me wonder, could the shoreline be expanding?

Heading out, I had my doubts about visibility of the wreck considering the conditions. Luckily, Kahuna had his non tinted goggles (thank goodness for nerds) and lent them to us. Which made a world of difference. Now we could see! After a little sight seeing the cool kids donned their tinted glasses again and headed out for a proper swim along the coast. Amanda and I logged about a 40 min swim.

Afterwards beer and barbecue courtsey of Shorewood Men's club was great. Unfortunately there was not a vegetarian option for Amanda. Tunes (guitar and vocal) were by a very tuneful Shorewood lad, Tinley.

Moondaug said...

P.S. my hands were not shaking, though coordination in my hands was reduced. Just the hands. Nothing else.

Wytosk said...

So, for years and years, from 2007-2020 the PM swim was 6pm. Allowing those of us with 9-5s to get there and swim with others. During COVID people started going earlier and 5pm started getting posted. And the pm group splintered by 2022. Can we go back to 6pm or even 5:30, or just say there is no group swim because in reality its a small line of folks arriving when they can and swimming alone.

Moondaug said...

Also, it would be really cool if we could get some computer geek to make an application like the one they have for biking. Where you just type in your pace and time your looking to go and then others can see/respond.

Kahuna said...

Isn't King Triton (f/k/a as "Itch") the unofficial leader of the evening swim? He sets the official pm time (and I think his preference is 5:00, right?) and all the minor moons and satelites just revolve around his whims, preferences and decrees? What say Our Sovereign Lord Triton?

jamie said...

Set up an evening swim text chain for all interested bam boom problem solved. no one will swim alone.