Monday, June 10, 2024

Milk and Honey

Last swim: 6-9-24, 12 PM

Next swim: 6-11-24, 6:30 Am

Water temp: 57 according to the Duck-o-meter, and 58 Itch-o- meter, 61 Brick m-o- meter

Air temp: 70's, and sunny

Kru: Itch, Brick, Diablo, Moondaug, the Lagunas and spawn of Lagunas for shore support

Waves: flat

Water Clarity: 7

It was a gorgeous day for a swim. We wondered why more people weren't swimming. The only possible reason we could think of was they were all hung over from Saturdays festivals. More Pitch for us. 

There was a lady on a jet ski who was picking up beach patrons and giving them rides and doing donuts very close to shore within the path of swimming routes. Upon my return I happened to intersect her and informed her motor vehicles were prohibited from launching on the beach and that she should not be operating so close to the beach and the swimmers. Afterwards she respectfully speed off. 

Apparently Brick is in the market for a milk cow. Though he doent know what kind or the ordinances pertaining. I don't know why, when you can just buy the milk. See you at the beach definetly maybe. 

1 comment:

Forger said...

City reports the Big Bay sinkhole was caused by an old storm sewer line. Following is the DNR Beach Health report. Big Bay is posted as red due to e-coli. info only.