Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Captain Missed It

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)

Last Swim:  Tuesday, June 18th.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: Cold.  Estimated temperature very low 50's, maybe even high 40's.  Numb teeth water temp.  That, despite the bouy saying 61 last night, and 59 this morning.        
Air temp: High 70's headed into the 90's today.  Sunny with some whispy clouds.     
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear.  Some green stuff accumulating on the north end of south beach.
Waves:  Flat mostly, with a prounounced current from the South.  
Kru:  Kahuna.  Early shift, Aquaman.  A pair of wimhoffers.  An "underwater construction" crew.  A photographer.  A professional swimsuit model.  

Strong southwest wind?  Check.  Day temp scheduled to be in the 90's? Check.  Clear water?  Check.  Bone chilling water near to shore?  Check, check, check.  I was very disappointed, but I shouldn't have been surprised that the water I was swimming in this morning was as cold as it was.  

But I'm burying the lead.  

Yes, there was a professional swimsuit model and photographer on the beach this morning.  (Well I guess there was enough fabric there to techinically call it a swimsuit.)  And no, they didn't ask me if I could help out, applying oil or sunscreen, so as to enhance the photos or protect all of that young lady's exposed skin.  I'm always available to help out, when needed.  

Poor Captain missed it.  

Ya snooze, ya loose.  

Since no other Kru members were there, I had a hell of time getting my wetsuit zipped up by myself.  Maybe time to get a bigger wetsuit, or start skipping chest and shoulders day at the gym?  


jamie said...

Sweet Jesus......back to 50°.

eric jernberg said...

is it really the chest and shoulders that are the problem?

jamie said...

Sweet Jesus.......dad jokes!!!