Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Itch's B-Day? Get the Flock Outta Here!

Next swims: Saturday: noon; Sunday: 8am and noon; M-F: 6am and 5pm

Last swim: Tues. pm. 
Air temp: 70?
Water temp: measured at 68 at the beach (in the silt); felt like 70 getting in; out 50 yard (in the blue) abrupt temp drop to like 65?
Waves: little riffled, with current coming in from the North
Clarity: Not at all closer to the beach; 5 of 10 in the blue water
Kru: Itch, Synchro, Squeeze o’ Synchro, Handyman Hank, Kahuna, Luna Laguna, Rosie, We’tac, and newish-guy Andy (forever n/k/a "Pool Boy"?).  
Shore Support: SheWhoMustNotBeNamed 

First, Happy Birthday to Itch!  We wish you many joyouse returns of the day!  Party person that Synchro is, she brought a delicious cake to share, and Itch brought Payday bar and margharettas, to add a tropical flare to the festivities on the beach. 


Kind of weird conditions as we came down to the beach.  There was a tan-colored strip of water all along the beach, about 50 yards from beach out.  After that, the water was blue.  The water near shore didn't look bad, and it didn't smell bad, and there hadn't been a big rainfall recently, but nevertheless, it caused some of the Kru to pause before setting out, and several of us back stroked for the first 50 yards East.  

The weirdness continued as we got ready to swim as a small flock of turkeys can wandering over by us as we were changing, then warily scurried up the hillside.

Tom, Helen, Jake & Jennie-o


Kahuna said...

A pleasant 67.3 on Wednesday morning at Klode, with a light chop. And for those of you who have asked me on the beach about Wisconsin OWI laws over the years, and whether they apply to bike riders, see this article that came out today: https://www.wisbar.org/NewsPublications/InsideTrack/Pages/Article.aspx?Volume=14&Issue=14&ArticleID=29274.
In sum:
1. Riders of traditional bikes (a/k/a m-bikes, or "accoustic cycles"): no.
2. Riders of e-bikes: no.
3. Riders of e-scooters: no.
4. Riders of motor bicycles: yes.
5. Operators of motorized-ridinng lawnmowers: yes.
6. Operators of snowmobiles, ATVs & UTVs: yes (but the penalties are lower).
Other statutes, however, could apply to and penalize an intoxicated bike or scooter rider (such as reckless "driving" or hit-and-run statutes). Even as you as a cyclist takes note of the above, and likely revels in it, I say "enjoy your freedom while you can," because there surely is lurking out there on the horizon some irresponsible-drunken idiot or incident that will result in the law getting changed. But for now, Cheers.

Moondaug said...

...but what-a-bout Zambonis?

Kahuna said...

Don't know about Wisconsin, but I'm pretty sure under Canadian law the Zamboni operator is pretty much required to be Schnockered.