Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Full Moon Swim

Full moon swim:  Tonight 8 pm, ( 98% full moon)

The forecast is for warm water, warm clear air, and smooth gentle moon waves. Full moon rises over the lake at 8:08 pm, with a sunset at 8:30 PM.  Come out tonight and swim in/to the gravity feed pull sway of pulsating waves, with an after-swim twist of Pitsch if you choose. Or maybe just watch the waves roll and glow in the light of the rising moon and setting sun.  Your choice.


Wytosk said...

Gorgeous tonight. 62. Less clarity but calm and quiet.

Also re: the smell. It appears to be coming from the rocks, strongly. Maybe there’s some carrion trapped in there. Whew.

Kriesnendu Houly said...

Nice article. Here we have providing some information for your swag. So please check it.

Click Here

Pool Captions

Kahuna said...

I saw this today in a Shorewood newsletter:

Though Lake Michigan is now about 25 inches below the highest monthly water level recorded for June in 2020, the Lake is still about 9 inches above the long-term average water level.

Water levels are expected to remain level until the seasonal decline in the fall.

Watch the [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'] "On the Level" YouTube channel for monthly updates and information about the Great Lakes' water levels and forecasts from Detroit District Hydraulics and Hydrology experts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqtbMFyAaYYNkKS2wxdyBsDYSBQXP3HLq