Tuesday, July 5, 2022

6 a.m. Klode on Wednesday, July 6

 See you there!


Kahuna said...

FYI, I went to Klode at 5:00, and the police barred me, telling me the fireworks were still on tonight (Tuesday). So I swam Atwater. 54 degrees. Buoy suggests nice water is out there. I don't know if Klode will be open yet on Wednesday morninig. Plan B?

Kahuna said...

Regarding Showgirl's mention in the July 4th post regarding "Older lady in her 80s whom we met last year"; that would be Shorewood resident Thelma Lubkin. Although she didn't swim on July 4th, she told me she had swum the day before (and yes, that's a grammatically correct sentence). Thelma is an interesting person. She and her late husband (Elihu), managed to live in Shorewood and raise a family without a car for over 40 years. Thelma and Elihu often got around town on a tandem bike. An example of the benefits of an active lifestyle.

rsm said...

I remember that couple. After her husband passed there was a group searching for someone to take over the 'captain' duties of the tandem when she needed to get around for errands.

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

Thanks for filling in about Thelma. Klode was open this a.m. but no one swam except Diablo. Water was quite rough, air was cold and windy. Will try again at 6 tomorrow. Anyone going tonight at 5?

Synchro said...

Tuesday night 5pm Big Bay (Klode was still barricaded for re-scheduled fireworks):
Water Temp: 48!!!
Air Temp: 73
Waves: almost none
Fog: Yes!
Clarity: 8/10 (it was hard to tell d/t foggy goggles, maybe it was really 10/10)
Kru; Synchro, Itch, Diablo, Sunny
Shore Support: Lagunita, Handyman Hank (briefly, but long enough to forget his water bottle?)

I was the first to arrive and I was going in no matter what. I had to get in one more Great Lakes swim before shoving off to ABQ for a funeral. One by one, others arrived and initially snubbed the idea of a "Christmas in July" swim. I reminded all gathered that if I, arguably the most fraidy-cat of the Kru, were the only one to swim I would never let them live it down. So, it became a foursome, and everyone shivered happily thereafter. The End.

Dolphina said...

Anybody go back into the water last night or this morning. That warm water has got to be riding in soon with the East wind...???