Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Next Swims:  Wed-Fri July 13-15, 6AM each morning

Last Swims: Tue July 12 6AM
Water Temp: 57 - A bit chilly
Waves:  small swells but big current south to north
Water Clarity: Very Good
Crew: Ryan, Anne, Nivens McTwist, Diablo, Jack Frost, Patriarch
Suit/Skin: 4/2

Monday July 12th 6AM
Water Temp: 67 - Decent
Waves: Choppy
Water Clarity: Poor
Crew: Monica, Diablo, Jaime, Crash, Julie, Anne, Super Hera, Forger, Capt'n, Brian, Patriarch
Suit/Skin: 8/3

She was in a bit of a snit this morning, greeting us with water plunging ten degrees colder than yesterday.  Every year about this time we get a dose of  this, usually it goes away in a few days.  There is plenty of warm surface water out there, we need a wind shift to send it our way.

Speaking of plunging, the Great Lakes Plunge is next Sunday: http://www.greatlakeplunge.com
If you are participating and would like to car pool let me know.  I know of at least two others, Jack Frost and his father (in-law?).


rsm said...

aaaahhhh I see why the temps dipped--jack Frost showed up!

Jack Frost said...

It's true....I was there in the AM and the water temperature was ice bucket cold.

My father-in-law and I will also be swimming the Great Lakes Plunge and would love a ride to Evanston that sunday morning.
Jack Frost

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

The Great Lakes Plunge looks like a blast...unfortunately I am pre-booked with a yoga seminar "Intro to Tantra Studies."