Monday, June 24, 2024

It was That Beautiful!

 Last Swim:  Monday, June 24, 6 a.m.

Upcoming Swims:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional impromptu group swims, or post if you'd like to suggest a swim time.)     
Water temp: 63. Some folks were comfortable going full skin.   
Air temp: High 60s, Abundant, benevolent sun    
Water Quality/Clarity:  Pretty clear
Waves:  Gentle swell from the NE, flat on surface.
Kru:  Cindy, Lt. MJ, Fyn-Fin, Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Holly, Showgirl, Dragonfly, Mr. Anonymous and Moondaug

After yesterday's cold and chop, drizzle and wind, today was a glorious dream.  People sported various combinations of skin and neoprene with the water temp hovering in the borderline low 60s.  I wanted to swim fairly long, so I wore sleeveless wetsuit/sleeves, only one layer of booties and, for the first time this year, no gloves!  All was just right for a pretty delightful 52-minute swim just beyond the cute chairs and to the white something (kayak? canoe? I was pretty far out) and somewhere near the vicinity of The Pod, a new feature described by Fyn-Fin last week.  

Thanks for the photo, Lt. MJ.  Yes, it was.  THAT. Beautiful!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

50F, but there's a Sub-ma-tree!

Last Swim:  6 a.m. Wednesday

Next Swims:  In general, M-F 6AM and 5?/5:30?/6? PM.  
                            Sat/Sun 8AM and noon

If you want to swim at a different time, post a comment, and maybe someone will respond.

Water temp: a disappointing and shocking 50.something, per TTL
Air temp: 80-ish
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, , Showgirl, Dragonfly, Diablo on the early shift
Waves:  the slowest of slow rollers out of the south, with little ruffles from the wind on the return trip
Water:  clear!

Beach Air: the gobie smell is beginning to dissipate

Well here you have it.

Diablo was just leaving as we arrived at the beach, and he gave a THUMBS DOWN!  It has to be bad for that to happen.

TTL took the temp and it was barely above 50F.  This is disappointing to say the least. 

All other conditions were lovely, so we suited up, barely able to pull the neoprene over our sweaty bodies, and got in.  And then we walked the half a block to get outside the rock piles.

It was bracing to put our faces in the water, to say the least.  But you could also feel the warm air with every stroke.

Anyway, given our initial reluctance, it was an accomplishment to swim past the garage to the clearing of trees.    I looked at TTL, and her face was as pink as her cap.

On the return trip, we swam over a cool new sub-ma-tree (submerged tree) just north of the garage.

After the swim we agreed that the cold water became oddly exhilarating, and that our chilled skin felt amazing after the last few days of heat.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Captain Missed It

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)

Last Swim:  Tuesday, June 18th.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (Check blog comments, for additional "impromtu" group swims.)     
Water temp: Cold.  Estimated temperature very low 50's, maybe even high 40's.  Numb teeth water temp.  That, despite the bouy saying 61 last night, and 59 this morning.        
Air temp: High 70's headed into the 90's today.  Sunny with some whispy clouds.     
Water Quality/Clarity:  Clear.  Some green stuff accumulating on the north end of south beach.
Waves:  Flat mostly, with a prounounced current from the South.  
Kru:  Kahuna.  Early shift, Aquaman.  A pair of wimhoffers.  An "underwater construction" crew.  A photographer.  A professional swimsuit model.  

Strong southwest wind?  Check.  Day temp scheduled to be in the 90's? Check.  Clear water?  Check.  Bone chilling water near to shore?  Check, check, check.  I was very disappointed, but I shouldn't have been surprised that the water I was swimming in this morning was as cold as it was.  

But I'm burying the lead.  

Yes, there was a professional swimsuit model and photographer on the beach this morning.  (Well I guess there was enough fabric there to techinically call it a swimsuit.)  And no, they didn't ask me if I could help out, applying oil or sunscreen, so as to enhance the photos or protect all of that young lady's exposed skin.  I'm always available to help out, when needed.  

Poor Captain missed it.  

Ya snooze, ya loose.  

Since no other Kru members were there, I had a hell of time getting my wetsuit zipped up by myself.  Maybe time to get a bigger wetsuit, or start skipping chest and shoulders day at the gym?  

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Manly Swim

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Recording)
Last Swim:  Noon Sun. June 16.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule (all at Klode Beach):  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see if any Kru members are trying to set up an "unscheduled" swim.)     
Water temp: 61 ashore, but King Triton's traveling thermometer was recording a lot of 57 and 56 out there.      
Air temp: 75, bright sun, followed by some clouds by the end.   
Water Quality/Clarity:  Not clear.  Loose waterborne vegitation is making the water near share non-clear, but there is not so much that it is accumulating on the beach yet.  
Waves:  Getting near to "big water," but not there yet.  You could definitely feel the waves' power as you wade in.  
Kru: King Triton, Diablo, Brick, Kahuna (with shore support from SheWhoMustNotBeNamed).  A post-swim appearance by Bakhtiari (yes, I did have to look that up to spell it), who was headed in for his second dip of the season.  
Eco Report:  No stench on the beach, primarily because there was quite a fresh breeze blowing in from off the Lake. 
Fly Report:  The flies were around.  Not crazy numbers, but not pleasant.  Over the next few weeks, Kru members may want to consider bring a pair of sweat pants or light yoga pants, if you want to keep those little bastards from biting your feet, ankles and lower legs post swim.  

Manly swim today, as the assembled Kru was something of a sausagefest.  A nice swim south, with a helpful push on the way back from the waves.  But that was balanced for me by the big mouthful of wave I took on board on my return, about 100 yards from the beach.  King-for-a-Day-and-His-Most-Serene-Higness Diablo arrived at the beach being borne on a Palanquin by his many sons, with his many daughters dancing and tossing rose pedals all around Him, their Most Magnificient Father.  Swim followed by a toast to all those who are dads, and/or who have dads.   

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Oh, Now Where Did They Put That AED Unit?

 Capt'n Log Supplemental (Kahuna Reporting):

Last Swim:  Noon Sat., June 15.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule, at Klode Beach:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8 a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see posts by Kru members who may be trying to set up an "unscheduled" time for an extra swim.)    
Water temp: 63!  At least in close.  Away from shore, seemed a little cooler, but there were some warm pockets.    
Air temp: 75, bright sun, with a ith clouds, and a bit of rain.  
Water:  Not clear.  Some chop and push coming from the south, but not so bad that Moondaug could use his standup paddle board.
Kru: King Triton, Sandy (beachname, "Sandy"); Diablo; Megan; Brick, Kahuna with board support from Moondaug.
Eco Report:  There is some stench on the beach, caused I think by the die off of the gobies.  Not as bad as last year.  Again, the part of the beach from which we swim could be cleaned up in 10 minutes, if we had garden rakes, but the smell scope is more pervasive than that.  Water is overall good, but don't be surprised if as you swim along you bump into a dead gobie or two.

Sandy (beachname "Sandy") spread the joyous news that the temp was a very, very nice 63 degrees.  A nice swim south to Love Shack or Flat Rock.  

Oh, what about the AED?  If I (or anybody else of the Kru) ever has a heart attack, remember:
  • First, CALL 991
  • Second, somebody START CPR.
  • Third, somebody (hopefully someone fast), run across the beach, up the stairs, across the park, to the restrooms by the tennis courts, grab the AED unit, and then run back to the hopefully still alive heart attackee. 
Or, somebody could convince WFB to install an AED down by the beach (at least from May thru October).     


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Inaugural Flat Rock Swim

Last Swim:  6 a.m. Wednesday

Next Swims:  In general, M-F 6AM and 5?/5:30?/6? PM.  Sat/Sun 8AM and noon

If you want to swim at a different time, post a comment, and maybe someone will respond.

Water temp: 56F  per Lydia the Tattooed Lady 
Air temp: 70?  by the time we suited up, I was breaking a sweat
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, , Showgirl, Lt. MJ, Hurricane-FON, Fin-Fyn (swimming SKIN!) 
Waves:  Rollers out of the south
Water:  100% cloudy

Beach Air: a bad combo of seagull poop and dead gobies

The view north, which is not where we swam.  
(photo credit TTL)

The beach air was smelly and warm-ish, and the waves were gently out of the south.

There was hemming and hawing about a north vs. south.  South, we decided. South.  Then a last minute discussion ensued regarding the vast amounts of e-coli that are being released into the lake due to the Great WFB Sinkhole Debacle of 2024.  Still we went south.

We gathered up at the sewer pipe.  After brief chit-chat we decided to  swim a bit farther and go to flat rock.  (a bit farther meaning about 500+ yards.)

After a cozy stand-up on a rock that was definitely NOT flat, we spotted the genuine Flat Rock, and finally arrived on it.  

My watch had 1288 yards if you want to find this amazing landmark (watermark?) yourself.  

Flat Rock is currently covered in slippery green stuff, so only Fin-Fyn was brave enough to stand up.

And speaking of Fin-Fyn.... she swam skin, which is pretty badass. Everyone else was in varying degrees of neoprene.

After a bit of lollygagging, we got back in the water and swam back to the smelly beach.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Eating the Sand

 Last Swim:  6 a.m. Tuesday

Next Swims:  Likely 6 a.m. Wednesday.  For the next few months, any weekday will be game for a 6 a.m. swim, especially if flat water is forecast.
Evening swims:  Not sure if these are at 5, 5:30 or 6 - post in the comments section if you would like to go at this time. (by time, I mean Evening as opposed to Morning.)
Saturday and Sunday noon; 8 a.m. and noon

Water temp: 54 degrees F "but feels colder" per Lydia the Tattooed Lady 
Air temp: About the same, intense sun
Kru & Gear: Lydia the Tattooed Lady (full wetsuit), Showgirl (sleeveless + sleeves), Dragonfly (sleeveless + sleeves) Moondaug (full wetsuit) 
Waves:  Just not flat - leftover action from yesterday's giant waves
Water:  Almost completely opaque and quite stinky in patches

The city shimmered in the sunrise, and the harbor was glass.  So often the early promise as viewed when driving over the Hoan is not delivered at Klode cove, where a bit of swell churned in from the northwest.  Yet the air was perfectly still, a bonus, with the plume from the Milorganite plant going straight up.

It appeared they expanded the fenced off perimeter around the sinkhole at Big Bay. This 70-foot deep Bad Boy was caused by a failing 90-year old Whitefish Bay sewer and officials don't want anyone near it.  More photos can be seen on The Milwaukee Journal Facebook page.

This brought back the memories for TTL, who recalled a sinkhole on North Avenue some years back that swallowed a car.  The escaping driver was so freaked out, they left the car running....and it ran for hours, til it ran out of gas.  Makes sense to me.  Priorities.

There was nothing technically wrong with today's swim....despite some swell from the NE, it was fairly flat.  I was planning on about 1,600 yards, i.e. turning at Mudslide (about 800 yards), but somehow TTL, Showgirl and myself all met up there and decided to press on to the Cute Chairs "near those white sticks" said Showgirl.  "Otherwise known as birch trees?" asked TTL. The Chairs (which I have yet to actually see this year) are about 1,000 yards from Klode.

"To bad choices," said TTL, and we pressed on.  I knew this was not the right call for me since I was already cold.  Then we engaged with further chitchat at the Chairs (or 1,023  yards by my watch.)

"There's a xxxx by mudslide," said Showgirl.

"Oh yeah," said TTL.

"It's weird," they agreed.

It wasn't til we were back ashore that I realized they were saying not "it's weird" but "it's DEER" - they saw two deer bounding about mudslide.

I knew I was in for the desperate struggle, so I shoved off homeward.  Unfortunately ended up taking a wide detoour inshore, getting washed up so far on the beach that I was eating the sand (position 4, below.)  I had a bit of energy towards the end, but my hands were starting to claw with the cold.

I checked last year's blog - both air and water averaged 8-10 degrees warmer last year!  I am definitely blaming the cold for why "struggle" is fa feature of my swim descriptions so often this year.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Milk and Honey

Last swim: 6-9-24, 12 PM

Next swim: 6-11-24, 6:30 Am

Water temp: 57 according to the Duck-o-meter, and 58 Itch-o- meter, 61 Brick m-o- meter

Air temp: 70's, and sunny

Kru: Itch, Brick, Diablo, Moondaug, the Lagunas and spawn of Lagunas for shore support

Waves: flat

Water Clarity: 7

It was a gorgeous day for a swim. We wondered why more people weren't swimming. The only possible reason we could think of was they were all hung over from Saturdays festivals. More Pitch for us. 

There was a lady on a jet ski who was picking up beach patrons and giving them rides and doing donuts very close to shore within the path of swimming routes. Upon my return I happened to intersect her and informed her motor vehicles were prohibited from launching on the beach and that she should not be operating so close to the beach and the swimmers. Afterwards she respectfully speed off. 

Apparently Brick is in the market for a milk cow. Though he doent know what kind or the ordinances pertaining. I don't know why, when you can just buy the milk. See you at the beach definetly maybe. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Shipwreck Ho!

Captain's Log Supplemental (Kahuna Reporting in the Captain's Absence):
Last Swim:  10 a.m., Sat., June 8th.
Upcoming Swims:  The Typical/Regular Schedule, at Klode Beach:  M-F 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.;  Sat. & Sun.  8a.m. and noon.  (See blog comments, to see posts by Kru members who may be trying to set up an "unscheduled" time for an extra swim.)    
Water temp: In close,  54 degrees, and maybe in the lower 50's fuerther out.  
Air temp: 60, with clouds, and a bit of rain.  
Kru: Mr. A, Moondaug, Amanda from Oakland California, Magic Mike (shore support?), and Kahuna.  Two other nice young women were down there trying out their new wetsuits, and another Californian was working out on the beach, and they all 3 indicated they're glad to learn about the Kru, and will come out and join us at some future swims.  If you are them and reading this, we'd love to see you again at an upcoming swim.
Waves:  Almost completely flat.    
Water Clarity:  Clear near shore, but with the strong winds over the last few days, less clear as we got further away from shore.  

The SMC BBQ Shipwreck Swim is one of the highlights of the summer swim season, and while all participants this year had an good time, the weather and water clarity did not 100% cooperate with us.  

Welcome to the impressive Amanda (English teacher from Oakland), who (despite the frigid temps) swam skin for at least a half hour.  Even those of us who were wearing wetsuits, were talking about having the shakes or numb fingers after the swim was over.  Mr. A and Moondaug's hands were still shaking when I handed them a beer 15 to 20 minutes after they emerged from the Lake.  (I got off really easy this year as to my offer to buy the first round for all attending Kru members.)

We did see the wreck.  Although given the lighting conditions (very cloudy) and water clarity, it was hard to see this year.  It was definitely a day when you needed clear goggles, and even then, it wasn't the bright clear image that we've  seen in prior years.  Always fun though to be out on the Lake, and having rain fall around you (with no lightning risk).  

Apres swim, we changed and climbed up the bluff, and enjoyed BBQ and beer, and some live music (by my 10- year-old neighbor, the highly talented guitar-player and rock vocalist Tenley Sheldon).  In about 10 years from now, we'll be able to say we saw him back in the day, before he started sellinng out concert venues, and breaking hearts.  

Looking forward to seeing folks on the beach.  I get the feeling we will be seeing warmer water in the next week to 10 days.  

Both of the California swimmers I talked with yesterday said they had checked the blog, but couldn't figure out the upcoming swim schedule from the blog.  They also said they couldn't tell if we swam everyday, given the eratic reports on the blog.  So I encourage Kru members to (1) "blog your swims" (the report can be very short); and (2) when you blog, including something clear at the top, so that newbies know the "typical" schedule at Klode (something like I have above).  

On a related "helping newbies to be able to join us" issue, I repeat here the question I posted earlier this week in one of the comment sections:

LMS FAQ Webpage? Where Did It Go?: On the right side of the blog, where we have links to the Atwater buoy, etc., didn't we used to have a link to a page that was called something like "FAQ about the Lake Michigan Swimmers" or "About Us"? I don't see that now. And that was a handy page link to send to out-of-towners asking about swimming with us, or newbies asking us basic questions in the comments (like do we charge dues, do I have to join, do I have to sign a waiver, when do you swim and where, where can I get a wetsuit, etc.) Is that page still someplace, and if so, what's the link? If we need to get such a page/link that back up, I think only the Cap'n can edit the home page? I don't think I can.

Cap'n, you got any thoughts on the above?  Or does anybody know anybody other than the Cap'n who can edit the blog's home page, and add a new "About Us" title/link on the right side?  Seems like we may want to get the above addressed, before all the folks come to MKE for the RNC National Convention next month in July.    

Friday, June 7, 2024

Tatoo You and Don't Call Me Betsy

Last swim: 6-7-24, 6:30 AM

Next Swims:  Saturday 10 AM at Atwater and Sunday noon at Klode, see comments for suggested custom swim times

Water temp: In the high 40's near shore

Air temp: 60's, with sunshine.
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Showgirl, Fin Fin, Dragonfly, Hollywood?, Hurricane (an other lady), Moondaug

Waves: Almost completely flat

Water: Clarity 9 of 10.  

I arrived solo at 6: 30. Except for the morning squaks of baby red wing black birds in the trees and busy fluttering mother birds delivering breakfast. And the serene scene of seaguls loafing (on the rocks) and some gliding over a calm, gentle, and undisturbed morning lake. Just the subtle phasing in and out refraction patterns on the water.

The Duck-o-meter quacked at an invigorating 48 F. After some hem and haw, I took the dive in. Did just a short swim, but still oh so rewarding. About half way through I was feeling great! Upon returning I was greeted by 6 additional Klode swimmers. Good morning, Good morning!

Being the only male on the beach this morning with a school of females I tried my best to listen without interrupting the flow of conversation too much. Apparently my male ears heard a conversation about someone wanting to get a tattoo. Apparently I was just dreaming though. Or was I having a premonition about future official Klode tattoos? I may have to meditate on that. Feel free to make recommendations.

Then the conversation shifted to unwanted nick names. Apparently the the name Betsy is not well liked. I'm not sure why though. But I suppose we can scratch that off for possible official Klode tattoos.

If you'll be my swimming buddy
I can be your long lost pal
I wont call you Betsy
No Betsy's on our tats, let them say loral.
I'm calling for a 10 am swim this Sat. to shipwreck swim and then the Barbecue hosted by Kahunas group up the beach. Post thoughts.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Last Swim:      Noon, Sunday, 6/2 

Next Swims: M-F 6 a.m., Saturday and Sunday noon, see comments for suggested custom swim times

Water temp: In the low 60's near shore, like 55 a little further out.  Some warmer and cooler pockets.
Air temp: 72, with bright sunshine.  
Kru: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Cap'n, Diablo, Brick, Magic Mike, Itch; shoresupport from Leon and Leon's mom.
Waves:  Almost completely flat, slight push from the South.  
Water:  Clarity 9 of 10.  

A lovely day.  Nice to see some old faces.  And no, I'm not going to get into a debate about when summer legally, officially, astronomically, or scientifically, starts.  In my book, it started yesterday, or at the latest today, when I got in the Lake for the first time this year.  

Pirate Shipwreck Swim & SMC BBQ Returns!  Next Saturday, June 8th at Atwater Park is the Shorewood Men's Club Chicken & Rib BBQ Picnic & Community Fundraiser.  It is the Kru's tradition to gather for a swim at like 9 or 10, swim out to the wreck off of Atwater Beach, then come up to the bluff for some beer & BBQ.  I'll buy the first round.  I have pre-sale food tixs (you save a little if you buy your Chix BBQ tixs from me before hand).  Scrumptious BBQ Chicken Dinner Tixs are $16, and Luscious BBQed Rib Dinners are $20.  All proceeds go to support worthy local projects, like park maintenance, tree plantings, youth sports and student scholarships.  If you want to reserve a ticket, let me know in the comments.  

Happy Birthday Department:  Today is Johnny Weissmueller's birthday (born 6/2/1904).  

R.I.P. Department:  
    Ricky Racoon, 
    Ya died too soon,
    Ya lay on the beach, 
    Not far out of reach,
    We on the kru,
    Know rank spew,
    Ya did not tary, 
    So we gotta bury.
(Next time I come, I'll try to remember to bring a shovel, so Rick can have a proper burial.)

Lost & Found Department:  I got home without the swim goggles I wore today.  So if anyone finds a pair of Speedo Vanquisher mirrored/smoked goggles iwth black straps, let me know.