Monday, July 19, 2021

Serenity at sunrise

Next swims- Tues-Fri: 6am and 5pm; Sat and Sunday: Early shift 7 and/or 8 am, Midday shift 12noon

Last swim: Monday, July 19, 6am 

Water temp: 68

Air Temp: 60

Waves: like glass

Clarity: 7/10

Kru: Lt. MJ, Magic Mike, Diablo on the early shift

At 6:00, MJ and some fitness buffs were gathering in the lot. The fitness buffs started to prepare for their workout atop the bluff, while me and the lieut walked down to the shore. The water was lying still. The sun was a cool yellow ball just over the horizon. Not a clear hot sunrise. It was shaded a bit by a very slight haze in the air. You could look right at it.  

As I stepped into the water to gauge its warmth, Diablo emerged on the north steel wall with encouraging words for the swim.  For the past week, the water has been steadily cool, but not cold (low, mid 60's), and slightly choppy. Never annoyingly choppy, just some regular motion in the water. Today, it was smooth and flat. Also, a few degrees warmer-- really nice. After a little chat about the Bayfield swim in August, we were off. We both swam past mudslide. I did that thing where I swim way far out because I only breathe to one side and can't see the shore on the way back. MJ swam around the rocks for a while wondering where the heck I was. One of those days where you don't really want to get out of the water. 

Eventually, we did get out of the water, though. Reluctantly. I kept a little sand in my shoes and between my toes to remind me of the swim while I sat all morning in Zoom meetings. Priorities! This is the time to get to the lake!


Moondaug said...

Water temperature was low/mid seventies for the evening swim.

Wytosk said...

Insanity later!! Woo!

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

very poetic