Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sun vs Fog, Chapter 2 plus July 4th swim details

Next Swim:   Thu, July 4th @ Noon, Big Bay to Atwater

Last Swim:  Wed, July 3rd at 5:30 - 6:00
Water Temp:  68 per Itch-o-Meter (that's not a typo)
Clarity:  Very clear, 9/10
Waves:  4-5" ripples
Kru:  Itch (early shift), Sir James (staggered shift), We'Taco, Mr. Bubble, Kimberly, Teresa from NM
Shore Support:  Magic Mike and Emma

Looking forward to the Annual July 4th Big Bay to Atwater swim!  
Let's go with the Noon meet up time, Mrs. Bubble will be on hand to help shuttle people back from Atwater to Big Bay.  She'll meet up with us at Big Bay at Noon.  We'll see who all is swimming and get an idea of when the first swimmers will come ashore at Atwater.  I bought a bottle of Killepitsch so we could do our toast at the end.  

Conditions tonight sound similar to Magic Mike's description this morning. I thought the sun was definitely winning until I got within a block of the lake.  Foggy down by the beach but not pea soup  - you could see the shore and landmarks from maybe 50 yards out. Water beautifully clear and actually warm!

So, the morning swimmers are starting their day off on the right foot, the evening swimmers are finishing off their day on the left foot.  The morning swimmers are sizing up their days, knowing they have done one good thing for the day.  The evening swimmers are trying to seize the day and do one good thing, to atone for all the bad things they have already done ..."and so it follows, as the night the day, thou canst not be false to any man"

Atwater Beach closing later than previously reported

Gorgeous view walking down

Still plenty of beach at Big Bay

Water is SO WARM
Easily above 70°

1 comment:

Mr. Bubble said...

Made it to Atwater before dark :)