Saturday, July 13, 2019

Diversity is good, right?

Next swims: Sun @ Noon

Last swim: Sat @ Noon
Water Temp:  Disparate readings - 65 per Patriarch-o-meter at the shore, 57 and 55.5 per Itch-o-meter
Water clarity: tiny bit clearer than usual but still pretty sandy
Waves slight ripples
Kru: Patriarch, Parker (new nickname, first swim of 2019), Ellen (newbie), Scuba, Mr. Bubble, Mr. Anonymous, Forger, Itch, Dragonfly RiffRaff, Cool Hand Luke, Neo, Showgirl, Cathy (don't know if she's a C or K), Tatoo Lady (Amelia, not Amanda), MomaLinda and Child
Shore Support:  MomaLinda's Child 

Another great day for a swim!  The air temp was hot and muggy.  Dragonfly confessed to feeling depleted from  biking up from BayView in the muggy conditions, but she felt totally refreshed afterwards.  Think we all felt that way after getting out of the lake.  

While the air temperature was very consistent at different spots along the beach, the water temp was a completely different story.  Even the scientific instruments could not come to a consensus.  Partiarch-o-meter says 65 right by shore - felt even warmer to wade in.  Itch-o-meter made readings right along the steel barrier, on each side.  First reading on the north side was 57 (OMG!).  Next reading on the south side was 55.5 (WTF!).  That certainly wasn't consistent with the water temps during the last couple of days either; 65 yesterday, 69 for a couple days before that).  Had some foreshadowing of water conditions today from Northshore Nancy's Facebook post a few hours earlier Cold swim without a wetsuit, but the water was like glass.(rumor has it that there was a stealth early shift swim)

Diversity in water temps only increased once we were actually swimming - even more diverse than usual.  Showgirl and I both thought there were spots where the water temp had to be in the high 40s, and then some other spots that seemed like mid 60s.  

Great to see so many people come out for a swim.  It's also been great to see so many newbies who are coming for their first, second or third swim.  People who've found the blog and are coming from all over town, or even people visiting from out of state. 

My pleasure and honor to serve up the Killepitsch.  Didn't have the advantadge of modern refrigeration to keep the bottle from overheating, so used and an ancient technology - buring it in the loose sand right below the water line,.  Someone asked before tasting it,  "Is it perfectly chilled? Not perfectly, no.  Entertaining to see some funny faces after drinking it.  Heard someone else use a descriptor I've used a lot - "Robitussin".  Such a great ritual.


rsm said...

another early shift today. 9am, water --66 or 67 was our estimate, slight chop. Handyman has a barbie now--so he is easier to spot in the water.

Dragonfly Riffraff said...

For the record I have yet to bike to Klode from Bay View! I was feeling depleted after a run in the morning heat.